Peter O'Donnell - Pieces of Modesty

Modesty Blaise

10 Mar 2010

261 visits

Peter O'Donnell - Modesty Blaise (Crest edition)

First published by Souvenir Press (hardback) in 1965. This paperback edition published by Fawcett Crest (R899) in March 1966. Cover art by Robert McGinnis.

30 Mar 2016

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288 visits

Peter O'Donnell - Yo, Lucifer

First published by Souvenir Press in 1967. This Spanish paperback edition published by Plaza & Janes (45) in 1968. Cover art is not credited, but is obviously based on Terence Stamp and Monica Vitti from the 1966 film "Modesty Blaise."

20 Mar 2010

242 visits

Peter O'Donnell - A Taste for Death (Fawcett Crest edition)

First published in the U.K. by Souvenir Press (hardback) in 1969. This U.S. paperback edition published by Fawcett Crest (T1666) in February 1972. Cover art is uncredited.

17 Aug 2015

291 visits

Peter O'Donnell - Amante do Perigo

First published in the U.K. in hardback as "The Silver Mistress" by Souvenir Press in 1973. This Brazilian edition published in trade paperback by Distribuidora Record is undated (possibly 1973).

18 Aug 2015

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338 visits

Peter O'Donnell - Amante do Perigo (back cover)

Back cover art showing other Brazilian editions published by Distribuidora Record.

04 May 2010

239 visits

Peter O'Donnell - Sabre-Tooth (Oxford University edition)

First published in 1966 - in the U.K. by Souvenir Press and in the U.S. by Doubleday (both in hardback). This Oxford University Press adaptation, intended for foreign students without a full English vocabulary, was published in 1980. Peter O'Donnell died yesterday, a month after his ninetieth birthday - so this is my small thank you to him, one of the more unusual items in my extensive Modesty Blaise collection, and one of the best visual interpretations of Modesty (by Andrew Farley), after Jim Holdaway and Enric Romero of course. Peter O'Donnell: 1920-2010.

19 Apr 2010

354 visits

Peter O'Donnell - Modesty Blaise (Mysterious Press edition)

First published by Souvenir Press (hardback) in 1965. This paperback edition published by Mysterious Press (ISBN: 0892960906) in September 1984.

16 Jan 2010

371 visits

Peter O'Donnell - A Taste for Death (Mysterious Press edition)

First published in the U.K by Souvenir Press (hardback) in 1969. This U.S. paperback edition published by Mysterious Press (ISBN: 0892960949) in November 1984. Fourth book in the 'Modesty Blaise' series.

24 Mar 2010

246 visits

Peter O'Donnell - I, Lucifer

First published in the U.K. by Souvenir Press (hardback) in 1967. This U.S. paperback edition published by Mysterious Press (ISBN: 0892960965) in December 1984.
15 items in total