Joseph Shallit - Case of the Billion Dollar Body

Avon Books

Folder: U.S. Book Publishers

Robert Terrall - A Killer is Loose Among Us

29 Jan 2013 227
First published in 1948 by Duell, Sloan & Pearce (hardback) and Harlequin (paperback). This edition published by Avon (278) is dated 1950. Cover art is not credited.

Guy Endore - The Furies in Her Body

23 Mar 2011 164
Originally published in hardback as "Methinks the Lady" by Duell, Sloan & Pearce in 1945. This re-titled paperback edition published by Avon (323) in 1951. Cover art is not credited.

Howard Hunt - Bimini Run

06 Jul 2014 1 253
First published in hardback by Farar, Straus & Young in 1949. This paperback edition published by Avon (457) in 1952. Cover art by George Erickson.

Daniel White - Southern Daughter

23 Oct 2010 204
Published by Avon (547) in 1953. Cover art is not credited. Daniel White was a pseudonym of Day Keene. Later re-published as by Day Keene in 1967 from Macfadden.

Joseph Shallit - Case of the Billion Dollar Body

16 Jan 2020 1 263
First published in hardback by J.B. Lippincott & Co. in 1947. This paperback edition published by Avon (558) in 1954. Cover art is not credited.

Ed Lacy - Enter Without Desire

08 May 2019 2 1 281
Published by Avon (561) in 1954. Cover art by Robert E. Schulz.

Thomas B. Dewey - Every Bet's a Sure Thing

03 Sep 2010 212
Originally published in hardback by Simon & Schuster in 1953. This paperback edition from Avon (564) is undated but is circa 1954. Cover art is uncredited.

Thomas B. Dewey - The Case of the Murdered Model

26 Nov 2009 207
First published by Simon & Schuster (hardback ) as "Prey for Me" in 1954. This re-titled paperback edition from Avon (626) is undated, but likely to be circa 1955.

Day Keene - Wake Up to Murder

15 Dec 2010 246
Originally published by Phantom in 1952. This edition published by Avon (660) in 1955. Cover art is not credited, but thanks to taneleer.tivan for identifying George Ziel.

Day Keene - The Passion Murders

23 Apr 2010 214
Originally published as "Farewell to Passion" by Original Novels in 1951. This re-titled edition published by Avon (684) is undated but is from 1955. Cover art is not creditied.

R.V. Cassill - The Hungering Shame

11 Dec 2011 199
Published by Avon (686) in 1956. Cover art is not credited, though the initials JMP can be seen in the grass. (Any ideas anyone?)

Edward Ronns - The Art Studio Murders

23 Aug 2010 324
Published by Avon (688) in 1956. Cover art by George Ziel.

Day Keene - Hunt the Killer

29 Apr 2013 215
First published by Phantom in 1951. This edition published by Avon (705) is undated, but is circa 1956. Cover art is not credited - though there looks to be a signature, bottom left.

R.V. Cassill - The Wound of Love

10 Nov 2015 1 238
Published by Avon (710) in 1956. Cover art is not credited.

John Roeburt - Case of the Hynotized Virgin

31 Mar 2015 241
Originally published as "Corpse on the Town" by Graphic in 1950. This revised and retitled edition published by Avon (730) in 1956.

Tedd Thomey - And Dream of Evil

03 Apr 2010 215
First published by Abelard-Schuman (hardback) and Avon (paperback) in 1954. This revised second Avon edition (737) published in 1956.

Leslie Charteris - The Saint and the Sizzling Sabo…

27 Apr 2010 202
Originally published as "The Saint on Guard" in 1944. This re-titled paperback edition from Avon (744) is undated but is circa 1956. Cover art is uncredited.

Michael Carey - Vice-Squad Cop

05 Feb 2012 213
Published by Avon (763) in March 1957. Michael Carey was a pseudonym of Edward J. Burton. Cover art, though uncredited, is by Rudy Nappi.

46 items in total