John D. MacDonald - Nemico alle spalle

John D. MacDonald

Folder: Authors of Golden Age Crime PBO's

28 Mar 2010

260 visits

John D. MacDonald - A Bullet for Cinderella

Published by Dell as a First Edition (62) in 1955. Cover art by George Gross.

03 May 2012

273 visits

John D. MacDonald - Murder in the Wind (1st Dell edition)

Published by Dell (A113) in 1956. Cover art by George Gross.

04 Apr 2010

317 visits

John D. MacDonald - Death Trap (Dell edition)

Published by Dell (A130) in February 1957. Cover art by Victor Kalin.

17 Dec 2009

305 visits

John D. MacDonald - The Price of Murder

First published by Dell in October 1957. This 2nd printing (A152) is dated March 1958. Cover art by Victor Kalin.

22 Nov 2009

222 visits

John D. MacDonald - Clemmie

Published by Gold Medal (777) in June 1958. Cover art by Barye Phillips.

25 Mar 2010

289 visits

John D. MacDonald - Soft Touch

Published as a Dell First Edition (B121) in August 1958. Cover art by Victor Kalin. Shame about the triangular cut on my copy, but thankfully doesn't really spoil the gorgeous Kalin artwork.

08 Mar 2010

213 visits

John D. MacDonald - All These Condemned

First published by Gold Medal in 1954. This third printing (894) is dated June 1959.

25 Mar 2010

279 visits

John D. MacDonald - April Evil (Dell edition)

First published by Dell in 1956. This edtion (B146) published in May 1960. Cover art by Robert McGinnis.

26 Jul 2015

1 favorite

294 visits

John D. MacDonald - The Crossroads

First published in hardback by Simon & Schuster in 1959. This paperback edition published by Crest ( s400) in September 1960. Cover art by Ron Lesser.
28 items in total