Wade Miller - Uomo bianco non vivrai

Il Giallo Mondadori

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Folder: Italian Crime

14 Jan 2013

245 visits

Thomas B. Dewey - Piombo a Gogo'

Originally published in the U.S. by Dell. as "The Golden Hooligan" in 1961. This Italian edition is number 721 in the weekly "Il Giallo Mondadori" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 25 November 1962. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

19 Jul 2015

303 visits

Whit Masterson - Pentagramma in Nero

Originally published in the U.S. by Dodd, Mead & Co. as "Evil Come, Evil Go" in 1961. This Italian edition is number 736 in the weekly "Il Giallo Mondadori" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 10 March 1963. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

11 May 2013

289 visits

Thomas B. Dewey - Uccidere che fatica!

Originally published in the U.S. by Simon & Schuster as "How Hard to Kill" in 1962. This Italian edition is number 745 in the weekly "Il Giallo Mondadori" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 12 May 1963. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

19 Jul 2015

370 visits

Frank Kane - Porta D'oro Per Johnny Liddell

Originally published in the U.S. by Dell as "The Guilt Edged Frame" in 1964. This Italian edition is number 870 in the weekly "Il Giallo Mondadori" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 03 October 1965. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

28 Jul 2012

223 visits

Wade Miller - Crociera dell'incubo

Originally published in the U.S. by Ace as "Nightmare Cruise" in 1961. This Italian edition is number 900 in the weekly "Il Giallo Mondadori" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 01 May 1966. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

12 Sep 2012

238 visits

Whit Masterson - 4K2 Agente Chiede Aiuto

Originally published in the U.S. by Dodd, Mead & Co. as "711 - Officer Needs Help" in 1965. This Italian edition is number 970 in the weekly "Il Giallo Mondadori" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 3 September 1967. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

19 Jul 2015

249 visits

Day Keene - Amami e Muori

Originally published in the U.S. by Phantom as "Love Me - and Die!" in 1951. This Italian edition is number 974 in the weekly "Il Giallo Mondadori" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 01 October 1967. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.
16 items in total