severance_23's photos
Anthony Boucher - Rocket to the Morgue
First published as a Phantom Mystery in 1942 under Boucher's pseudonym of H.H. Holmes. This edition published by Dell (591) in 1952. Cover art by Robert Stanley.
George Hopley - Night Has a Thousand Eyes
First published by Rinehart & Co. (hardback) in 1945. This paperback edition published by Dell (679) is circa 1953. George Hopley (and William Irish) was a pseudonym of Cornell Woolrich. Cover art by Tommy Shoemaker.
John D. MacDonald - The Price of Murder
First published by Dell in October 1957. This 2nd printing (A152) is dated March 1958. Cover art by Victor Kalin.
James Hadley Chase - The Doll's Bad News
Ian Fleming - The Spy Who Loved Me
Neil Langholm - The Dark Return
Published by Sphere (ISBN: 0722153910) in 1975. Neil Langholm was a pseudonym used by Laurence James and Kenneth Bulmer, in this instance by Bulmer. Cover art by Richard Clifton-Dey.
Arthur Frazier - The King's Death
Published by New English Library (ISBN: 0450015807) in September 1973. Arthur Frazier was a pseudonym used by Kenneth Bulmer and Laurence James, in this instance by Bulmer. Cover art by Richard Clifton-Dey.
Steve Brackeen - Baby Moll
First published by Crest in 1958. This U.K. edition published by Frederick Muller Ltd. (347) is undated but is circa 1959 (note the badly drawn Gold Medal symbol). Steve Brackeen is a pseudonym of John Farris. Cover art by Barye Phillips.
Donald Hamilton - Death of a Citizen
First published by Gold Medal in 1960. This later printing ( T2373) is undated but is circa 1971. First book in the "Matt Helm" series.
Charles Williams - Mix Yourself a Redhead (Pan edi…
First published in the U.S. by Gold Medal in 1953 as "A Touch of Death". This retitled U.K. edition published by Pan (X685) in 1967. "A Touch of Death" was recently re-published by Hard Case Crime.
Wade Miller - Uneasy Street (3rd printing)
First published by Farrar, Straus & Cudahy (hardback) in 1948 and by Signet (paperback) in 1949. This 3rd Signet printing (G2317) is dated June 1963.
Gil Brewer - Play It Hard
James Hadley Chase - Shock Treatment
Ian Fleming - Thunderball
Nick Carter - The Snake Flag Conspiracy
Brett Halliday - Heads You Lose
First published by Dodd, Mead & Co. as a hardback in 1943 as "Blood on the Black Market". This re-titled U.K. paperback edition published by Mayflower-Dell in 1964. Cover art is swiped from a U.S. publisher (I swear I've seen it on a Frank Kane...or maybe Henry Kane novel)
Andrew Quiller - The Land of Mist (Mayflower editi…
Published by Mayflower (ISBN: 0583126650) in 1976. Andrew Quiller was a pseudonym used by Laurence James, Kenneth Bulmer and Angus Wells, in this instance by Bulmer. Cover art by Richard Clifton-Dey.
Klaus Netzen - The Winston Churchill Murder
Published by Mayflower (ISBN: 0583123139) in 1974. Klaus Netzen was a pseudonym of Laurence James. Cover art by Richard Clifton-Dey.