Batten down the hatches


Ravenglass and surrounding area

Batten down the hatches

30 Mar 2010 9 13 764
Looking south from Saltcoats. Ravenglass station in distance, complete with ominous looking storm cloud moving in off the Irish Sea. Not long afterwards, things got decidedly soggy.... Tue30Mar10

Hot rod, Cumbria style

08 May 2010 4 4 561
Traction engine BX1937 'Western Star' at Saltcoats. A regular visitor during the summer, offering driver experience days on a circuit from Ravenglass. Sat8May10

Ravenglass reflections

19 Aug 2006 13 4 740
At just about high tide, on a calm August evening. Holly House Hotel is the building on the left. Sat19Aug06


24 Jun 2009 9 6 693
Unusual cloud over West Cumbria. Wed24Jun09

Captains log?

22 May 2010 5 4 525
Fuel for the wood burning Starship Enterprise.... That's England's highest peak of Scafell in the background. Saltcoats. Cumbria. Sat22May10

There'll be a slight delay

19 Aug 2010 2 477
A British Airways Boeing B747 in a racetrack holding pattern above the Irish Sea/West Cumbria. He went round 4 times then headed south. Probably due to congestion closer to Heathrow. Thu19Aug10


08 Jun 2007 2 5 574
Misty summer evening at the farm. Saltcoats. Cumbria. Fri18Jun07


08 Jun 2007 15 12 575
Misty summer evening at the farm. Saltcoats. Cumbria. Fri18Jun07


14 Aug 2010 8 4 476
The peak of Great Gable in middle distance. Sat14Aug10

West Cumbrian coast

11 Feb 2009 6 4 498
The seafront at Seascale. Looking north. The cliffs of St Bees Head visible in distance. Wed11Feb09


11 Feb 2009 9 9 535
Looking south. Wed11Feb09

Ravenglass 09301

30 May 2009 9 7 523
Estuary of the River Mite. Black Combe in background. Sat30May09

Log off

04 May 2008 4 2 482
In the grounds of Muncaster Castle, near Ravenglass. Sun4May08

Road closed

20 May 2011 10 3 467
End of the road at Saltcoats, with a high spring tide. Ravenglass in the distance. Fri20May11

Access denied

20 May 2011 8 12 506
Partly submerged footpath from Saltcoats to Ravenglass. A high tide of 7.4 metres and above and this is the result. This is not too much above that. Just a matter of walking on the other side of the fence. It's when we get tides of 8 metres and above that things become difficult. Throw in a strong westerly gale for good measure and most of the fence is submerged. Walking back from Ravenglass in those conditions on a dark night after a beer or three and things become mighty interesting..... Fri20May11

High and Dry

22 Jun 2010 2 1 438
Catamaran at Ravenglass. Tue22Jun10

The end of the day

26 May 2008 7 7 413
Saltcoats sunset. Cumbria. Mon26May08

Ravenglass traction

08 Jul 2011 9 6 520
Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway diesel 'Les' and steam loco 'River Mite' are passed by Northern Rail 153328 at Ravenglass. Fri8Jul11

138 items in total