Polzeath Cornwall 29th March 2022


29 Mar 2022

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360 visits

Polzeath Cornwall 29th March 2022

Pure geology. An absolute classic outcrop example to show the difference between sedimentary dip (almost vertical) and cleavage (almost horizontal) in deformed metamorphic rocks, Devonian Polzeath Slates in this case. Seen on Polzeath beach.

06 Oct 2022

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282 visits

Cap Blanc-Nez Boulogne Hauts-de-France 6th October 2022

A telephoto shot looking from Cap Gris-Nez across Wissant Bay northwards to Cap Blanc-Nez. Gris-Nez is the closest point in France to England. Blanc-Nez is an Upper Cretaceous Chalk outcrop (white). Note the piles of chalk on the beach to the left - evidence of the instability in the cliffs

06 May 2023

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292 visits

Earl Sterndale Derbyshire England 6th May 2023

The craggy peaks of Carboniferous Limestone near Earl Sterndale south of Buxton are associated with apron reef facies developed on the south-western flanks of the Derbyshire shelf in Dinantian times. The distant hills are made up of younger Namurian sandstones and shales. Very much younger is the barbed wire fence! HFF everyone. Have a great weekend.

25 Jan 2024

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260 visits

El Capitan Carlsbad Texas USA 2nd October 1980

The Permian El Capitan reef complex in the Guadeloupe Mountains on the Texas-New Mexico border. After the flight from Dallas to El Paso we transferred to the tour bus for a geological field trip around West Texas. As an undergraduate I wrote a long essay on carbonate reefs referring to the Guadalupian El Capitan as the prime ancient analogue of modern build-ups. It was a real buzz to actually visit it and hit the rocks with a hammer!