Leaving Malmesbury

South African Railways

Leaving Malmesbury

16 Jun 2019 15 5 479
19D 3322 and 24 3655 hammer out of Malmesbury on the Klawer branch of South African Railways in the Western Cape. One of the first shots on the recent FarRail tour. Oh that South African light!

The Devil is back

20 Jun 2019 3 1 404
Unique Class 26 3450 was withdrawn in 2004 and it took a lot of effort to restore it to service in 2018. Whilst it has since hauled a number of passenger services it does not normally get a chance to haul freight. The recent FarRail tour saw Derick du Toit, owner of the Ceres Rail Company, reach agreement for the locomotive to haul a train consisting mainly of wagons loaded with cement plus several vans giving a total weight of around 690 tons. It is seen here a short distance out of Worcester on the former New Cape Central Railway on a run to Ashton.

Evening light

16 Jun 2019 2 444
19D 3322 is in charge as the sun sets on the section between Moravia and Koringberg on the Klawer branch of South African Railways in the Western Cape.

A glint in the hills

21 Jun 2019 3 2 502
19B 1412 catches the glint on the steep climb between Drew and Jubilee on the former New Cape Central Railway.

Het Kruis

17 Jun 2019 3 471
Not many steam trains show up on this line and the locals were out in force to see 19D 3322 arriving at Het Kruis on the Klawer branch of South African Railways in the Western Cape.

Steam in the mountains

23 Jun 2019 2 388
19B 1412 and 19D 3322 haul a heavy passenger train up the steep Ceres Branch from Wolseley.

Starting from the loop

15 Jun 2019 4 276
19D 3322 and 24 3655 leaving a loop south of Kalbaskraal en route to Malmesbury. They had waited there to pass a loaded cement train from the works at De Hoek.

Leaving Cape Town

15 Jun 2019 3 321
19D 3322 and 24 3655 leaving Cape Town with the edge of Table Mountain in the background.

Mixed train

18 Jun 2019 5 1 443
On the Klawer branch in Western Cape. 24 3655 and 19D 3322 between De Hoek and Moravia.

Face to face

15 Jun 2019 7 1 532
GE 35-457 leads a train from the cement works at De Hoek and the grain mills at Malmesbury past 19D 3322 in a loop south of Kalbaskraal on the line to Malmesbury and Klawer in Cape Province.


15 Jun 2019 4 2 322
Climbing away from Klipheuwel towards Malmesbury. 19D 3322 leads 24 3655.

Climbing from Klipheuwel

15 Jun 2019 3 297
19D 3322 leads 24 3655 head away from Klipheuwel towards Malmesbury with a mixed train.

Capetown departure

15 Jun 2019 7 1 436
19D 3322 and 24 3655 leaving the yards in the port area of Capetown.


15 Jun 2019 4 328
19D 3322 and 24 3655 cracking on near Klipheuwel on the line to Malmesbury.

Klawer branch

17 Jun 2019 5 1 480
19D 3322 a short distance from Het Kruis on the Klawer branch of South African Railways in the Western Cape.

A touch of glint

16 Jun 2019 4 1 352
19D 3322 and 24 3655 on the big horseshoe curve between Malmesbury and Moorreesburg on the Klawer branch in Western Cape.

On the Klawer branch

16 Jun 2019 5 344
19D 3322 heads north from Moravia on the Klawer branch in Western Cape.


16 Jun 2019 10 2 449
Early morning and 19D 3322 and 24 3655 are awaiting departure from Malmesbury onto the Klawer branch. The buildings on the left are a large grain mill.

50 items in total