Albino pigeon.


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06 Aug 2016

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Fisheye test.

A test shot taken with my new Samyang 8mm full-frame "fisheye" lens. This lens produces a 180 degree (measured diagonally) field-of-view on a APS-C camera. This is a manual-focus lens (with non-Nikon cameras the exposure settings are also manual). For this shot the best available viewpoint meant that the sun was almost in the centre of the viewfinder but there is very little "flare", considering the conditions. Most Samyang lenses are manual-focus, hence the much lower prices, but they are extremely sharp, well constructed and much cheaper than the Nikon or Canon equivalents. Samyang lenses are also branded as Falcon, Rokinon, Walimex, Bower, Opteka, Bell and Howell, Polar, and Pro-Optic but they are all made by Samyang in South Korea. Camera: Nikon D300s + Samyang 8mm full-frame fisheye lens. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

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06 Aug 2016

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Another test shot taken with my new Samyang 8mm "fisheye" lens. This lens produces a 180 degree (measured diagonally) full-frame field-of-view on a APS-C camera. This is a manual-focus lens (with non-Nikon cameras the exposure settings are also manual) and although it is quite difficult to took me three attempts to get this shot focussed as the bike was in the shade underneath bushes.....the results so far have been excellent. Camera: Nikon D300s + Samyang 8mm full-frame fisheye lens. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

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17 Aug 2016

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Millennium mosaic.

One of the many mosaics constructed 16 years ago to commemorate the Millennium and placed along the banks of the Leeds-Liverpool canal near Brierfield in North-West England. Each one depicts different scenes from this area's past.....this one shows (from top to bottom) Cotton mills which were until quite recently the dominant industry in this area; The coming of the railway; Agricultural scenes and one of the horse-drawn canal boats which were used during the 18th & 19th century to bring American cotton from the ports of Liverpool and Manchester to be woven into cloth. Photographed with a Nikon D300s camera + Samyang 8mm fisheye lens and processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

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17 Aug 2016

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Fish and Fisheye HFF.

Koi Carp photographed in an artificial pond outside the "Pendle Village Mill" store (a former cotton mill) in Brierfield, Lancashire, in the North-west of England. This photo was taken (appropriately, considering the subject) with a Samyang fisheye lens. This lens is manual-focus only but it has a depth-of-field which is so deep that the whole pond is in can even see a spider's web (top left corner) which was just a couple of inches away from the lens. The small circular objects which cover the pond floor are coins which (despite many signs forbidding it) are often thrown into the water by visitors. Camera Nikon D300s + Samyang 8mm full-frame fisheye lens. Processed (and partially "defished") with Nikon Capture NX2.

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17 Aug 2016

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Millennium Oak.

A young Oak tree planted on the banks of the Leeds-Liverpool canal in the year 2000 as part of the local Millennium celebrations. Photographed with a Nikon D300s camera + Samyang 8mm fisheye lens and processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

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17 Aug 2016

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Old Mill.

This large building (only a small part of which is visible here) once provided employment for people all over Pendle district. It was owned by Smith & Nephew and later by BSN Medical Supplies in the past. It has been derelict for a number of years but has now been purchased by the local council for "Re-Development", possibly for conversion into flats / appartments which is what is being done with other industrial buildings in the area. Camera Nikon D300s + Samyang 8mm fisheye lens. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

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16 Jul 2015

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Summer flowers.

Wild flowers photographed near Pendle Water in Brierfield, Pendle district, in the North-West of England. I'm not sure what these plants are....possibly members of the "Mallow" family (Malvaceae) although the leaves of Mallows are usually more broad and rounded in shape. Photographed with a Nikon D300s camera and a Samyang 135mm f2.0 lens at almost full aperture to separate the flowers from the background. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2 software. (now identified as a Great Willow Herb....thanks to John & Pam).

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21 Jun 2015

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Pendle Water, Lancashire.

Pendle Water is a small river which rises to the North-East of Pendle Hill and joins the larger River Calder near Burnley, Lancashire, in the North-West of England. Photographed using a Nikon D300s camera and a Samyang 10mm manual-focus wide-angle lens. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2 software.

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16 Jul 2015

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Young swan (cygnet).

A young swan (Cygnet) photographed on the Leeds-Liverpool canal at Brierfield in the North-West of England. I recently sold some of my auto-focus lenses and replaced them with manual-focus "prime" lenses.....this photograph was taken with one of them, a Samyang 135mm f2.0 lens. All current Samyang lenses are manual focus and they produce excellent results for a fraction of the price of an equivalent "branded" lens. Camera: Nikon D300s Lens: Samyang 135mm f2.0 Processing: Nikon Capture NX2.
20 items in total