Signs & fences HFF.

Sony RX100

Ducklings (Mallard).

04 Aug 2013 15 8 1675
A group of young Mallard ducklings photographed by the lake in Barrowford park, Pendle, UK. The mother duck flew off as soon as we approached but the ducklings were completely unconcerned. Photographed using a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed with capture NX2.

Woodland wild-flowers.

04 Aug 2013 11 6 1293
Wild flowers amongst the trees near the Leeds-Liverpool canal in Barrowford, Pendle district, UK. There were poppies, clover and these blue flowers...(I've no idea what they are but they look like blue clover). Photographed using a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed using PicMonkey and Nikon Capture NX2.

Nature's gold.

04 Aug 2013 9 6 1236
Wild flowers (which I think are Ragwort or Golden Ragwort), photographed near Barrowford in Pendle district, England. The camera used was a Sony RX100 compact and the processing was done with Nikon Capture NX2.

Canal view.

04 Aug 2013 8 3 1269
A scenic view of the Leeds-Liverpool canal between Nelson and Barrowford in Lancashire, UK. Photographed using a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Wooden bear.

04 Aug 2013 8 3 1214
This sculpture of a wooden bear was seen by the side of a track during a walk through the woods at Barrowford, Lancashire, UK. Photographed with a Sony RX100 and processed using Nikon Capture NX2.

Storm over Pendle.

03 Aug 2013 17 12 1501
Storm clouds over Pendle Hill in Lancashire, England. Photographed from Brierfield looking North-West. It was very windy and the trees were waving around a lot making it difficult to get them sharp. I only bought this camera the previous day so I wasn't familiar with the functions and controls. Photographed with my new "walkabout" camera, a Sony RX100 compact and processed with Nikon Capture NX2 and PicMonkey.


18 Aug 2013 9 8 1230
Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum) photographed along the riverside Nature Trail in the historic hamlet of Wycoller, Pendle district, UK. Camera: Sony RX100 compact. Processed using Nikon Capture NX2.

Underneath the arches.

18 Aug 2013 8 11 1280
A Wicker-work "avenue", part of the riverside Nature Trail around the hamlet of Wycoller in Pendle, Lancashire, England. Photographed with a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Ancient Clam bridge at Wycoller.

18 Aug 2013 16 18 1730
This ancient bridge, situated in the hamlet of Wycoller in North-West England is made from a single monolith and is believed to be of neolithic origin (certainly at least 1,000 years old and possibly as old as Stonehenge) and is listed as an "Ancient Monument". Photographed with a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed with Nikon Capture NX2. This screen-shot (link below) from Google maps will give you an idea of the size / scale of this bridge.,-2.0989534,3a,73.7y,159.71h,89.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7AKvlObE6Y87wcOEfgjoOA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Ruins of Wycoller Hall (16th Century).

18 Aug 2013 8 8 1459
This 16th Century Tudor Manor house situated in the hamlet of Wycoller was the inspiration for "Ferndean Manor" in the novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. Charlotte and her family lived in the Parsonage at Haworth, just a few miles from here and she and her sister Emily are known to have visited Wycoller many times during their walks on the moors. NOTE. More information here:

Clapper bridge and ford.

18 Aug 2013 7 4 1228
A view of the ford across Wycoller Beck in the hamlet of Wycoller, Pendle district, in North-West England. In the background of this photo is the Clapper bridge which is believed by some historians to date from medieval times (although others believe it dates from the 19th Century). This photograph was taken from the packhorse bridge (see previous photo) with a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed with Nikon Capture NX2. (SEE NOTES).

Bridges at Wycoller.

18 Aug 2013 13 10 1511
The Clapper bridge (foreground) and the Packhorse bridge (background) in the small hamlet of Wycoller, Pendle, UK. The Clapper bridge is believed by some historians to date from the medieval period although others believe it to be of 19th Century origin. The Packhorse bridge dates from the 13th Century according to the nearby museum. The footpath over this bridge has been eroded by centuries of use (mainly clog-wearing hand-loom weavers in pre-industrial times) and both arches are leaning slightly sideways.

"Northern Rail" train.

22 Aug 2013 7 8 1236
A Blackpool - Colne "Northern Rail" train leaving Brierfield station. This line used to continue to Skipton where passengers could get connections to almost anywhere in the country via Leeds or Preston. Today the line terminates at Colne, just a few miles short of Skipton. Campaigners have been trying to get the line re-opened for many years, so far without luck.

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos).

18 Aug 2013 10 5 1475
The Mallard or Wild Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) is a dabbling duck which breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and has been introduced to New Zealand and Australia. This duck belongs to the subfamily Anatinae of the waterfowl family. (Wikipedia).

Canal & wharf at Foulridge (2 of 2).

26 Aug 2013 7 7 1138
The "Cafe Cargo" and boats at Foulridge wharf on the Leeds-Liverpool canal in Pendle district, North-West England. This building was originally built to unload raw cotton from North America. Camera Sony RX100 compact. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Foulridge: The "Mile Tunnel".

26 Aug 2013 4 6 1658
The Northern entrance to the Foulridge tunnel on the Leeds-Liverpool canal which is known locally as "The mile tunnel" because it is one mile long and dead-straight. There are "traffic lights" at each end as it is only wide enough for one boat at a time. There is a well-known (true) local story of a cow named Buttercup which fell into the canal at one end of the tunnel in 1912, swam through and was rescued at the other end. Apparently it was "revived" with drinks of brandy from a nearby pub. Photographed with a Sony RX100 compact camera and processed with Nikon Capture NX2. VIDEO here:

Foulridge and Noyna hill.

26 Aug 2013 7 7 1878
Noyna Hill (sometimes just called "Noyna" or "Noyna Rock") is a hill in the Pennine Hills range in Pendle, Lancashire. It is located a mile to the east of Foulridge village. On a clear day most of Lancashire and the Yorkshire Dales can be seen from here. Although the prominence is not that great due to the close proximity of other hills, it is unique in the area for having a large wide, but not very high rocky outcrop that is distinctive and well known in the area. The hill is 122 metres (400 ft) above the village of Foulridge. The hill is on farmland, but has public footpaths that allow access. (Wikipedia).


18 Aug 2013 9 4 1252
A memorial seat dedicated to World Peace, situated in the "wicker avenue" (part of a nature trail) in the hamlet of Wycoller, Pendle, UK. On the left is the "Red Rose of Lancashire" and on the right is an inscription which reads "World peace starts in our own hearts".

215 items in total