Carrion crow (Corvus corone).


Female Sparrow (Passer domesticus).

27 Feb 2013 20 10 1588
Camera: Nikon D300s. Lens: Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8

Peek-A-Boo Jackdaws

01 Sep 2012 24 15 1906
Jackdaws in Brierfield, UK. Camera: Nikon D300s. Lens: Nikkor 70-300mm.

Canada geese.

06 Apr 2013 24 12 1853
Canada Geese at Barrowford, UK, photographed with a Nikon D300s. Lens: AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II

Canada Goose (Branta canadensis).

06 Apr 2013 10 6 1671
Photographed at Barrowford, Lancashire, UK, using a Nikon D300s with the excellent AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II lens.

Jackdaw at sunset.

27 Apr 2013 32 17 1890
Photographed in Brierfield in the North-West of England using a Nikon D90 camera and a AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II lens.

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos).

01 Jul 2011 13 7 1535
The Mallard or Wild Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) is a dabbling duck which breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and has been introduced to New Zealand and Australia. This duck belongs to the subfamily Anatinae of the waterfowl family. (Wikipedia). Camera: Nikon D90. Lens: Nikkor 16-85mm.


05 Jun 2008 28 8 1620
Photographed at the cliffs in Marsden Bay, South Shields, UK, using an Olympus SP550UZ bridge camera. I'm not sure what these birds are...I assumed they were gulls but I vaguely remember my friend (a keen bird-watcher) who was with me telling me they were something else...unfortunately I can't remember what he said :-( Edit: Now identified as Kittiwakes (Thanks Les & Sonja).

Magpie (Pica pica).

19 Jul 2013 19 11 1826
The Eurasian Magpie, European Magpie, or Common Magpie (Pica pica) is a resident breeding bird throughout Europe, much of Asia and northwest Africa. It is one of several birds in the crow family named as magpies and belongs to the Holarctic radiation of "monochrome" magpies. In Europe, "Magpie" is used by English speakers as a synonym for the European Magpie; it is the only magpie in Europe outside the Iberian Peninsula. The Eurasian Magpie is one of the most intelligent birds and it is believed to be one of the most intelligent of all animals. (Wikipedia)

Rook (Corvus frugilegus).

29 Nov 2012 27 11 1672
Rook (Corvus frugilegus) photographed in Brierfield, England, using a Nikon D90 with a 70-300mm Nikkor DX lens (105-450mm equivalent). Processed using Nikon Capture NX2 (sky effect from PicMonkey). Though resident in Great Britain, Ireland and much of north and central Europe, vagrant to Iceland and northern Scandinavia, it also occurs as an eastern race in Asia where it differs in being very slightly smaller and more efficient on average, having a somewhat more fully feathered face. In the north of its range the species has a tendency to move south during autumn though more southern populations are apt to range sporadically. The species has been introduced to New Zealand, with several hundred birds being released there from 1862 to 1874, though today their range is very localised. (Wikipedia).

Mute swan (Cygnus Olor).

11 Aug 2013 15 6 2019
A Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor) photographed during rainy weather on the Leeds-Liverpool canal at Brierfield in Pendle district, England. The camera used was a Sony RX100 compact and the processing was done with Nikon Capture NX2.

Swan Lake.

04 Jun 2008 8 6 971
A group of swans photographed at Druridge Bay country park, Northumberland, in the North-East of England. The camera used was an Olympus SP55OUZ ("Bridge camera") and the processing was done with Nikon Capture NX2.

Carrion crows (Corvus corone)

11 Aug 2013 13 6 1216
A pair of carrion crows (Corvus corone) photographed in Brierfield, North-West England, using a Nikon D90 camera fitted with a Nikkor 70-300mm lens. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Mute swan, Northumberland.

04 Jun 2008 8 5 1102
A mute swan (Cygnus Olor) photographed at Druridge Bay country park, Northumberland, in the North-East of England. The camera used was an Olympus SP55OUZ ("Bridge camera") and the processing was done with Nikon Capture NX2.

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos).

18 Aug 2013 10 5 1469
The Mallard or Wild Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) is a dabbling duck which breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and has been introduced to New Zealand and Australia. This duck belongs to the subfamily Anatinae of the waterfowl family. (Wikipedia).

Ducklings (Mallard).

07 Apr 2011 13 7 1384
Mallard ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos), photographed at Wycoller country park in Pendle, Lancashire, UK. The camera used was a Nikon D90 with the Nikkor 16-85mm lens. Processed with Nikon Capture NX2.

Wood pigeon in flight.

10 Aug 2012 16 11 1375
Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) in flight photographed in Brierfield, Pendle, UK using a Nikon D90 camera with a Nikkor 70-300mm lens. Processed using Nikon Capture NX2 and PicMonkey.

Are we there yet ?

02 Jul 2013 19 7 1529
Two Jackdaws, photographed using a Nikon D300s & Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 lens in "continuous high-speed" mode (7fps). Background effect from PicMonkey. The idea for the title came from the expression on the top bird's face....a question which will be familiar to anyone who has ever travelled with young children :-)

Homeward bound.

30 Oct 2013 5 4 990
A group of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) flying home at the end of the day before an approaching storm. Photographed near Lake Burwain at Foulridge in Pendle district, North-West England. The camera used was a Nikon D300s fitted with a Nikkor AF-S VR 70-200MM F2.8 IF ED II telephoto lens and the processing was done with Nikon Capture NX2.

77 items in total