~ MCJ's photos


01 Mar 2016 177
Taken in March. Enjoying the start of Autumn.


25 Apr 2016 2 2 119
I had to get low to try and get her face looking somewhat at the camera as she kept looking away. Lucky I had a clear blue sky back drop. She'll be 8yo on the 1st of May, which is a nominal date of her birth, we don't really know her exact birth date as she was born to Josie when Josie was still owned by a previous neighbour where I used to live.


26 Apr 2016 231
Screening from the unusual hot Autumn sun.


26 Apr 2016 228
She was rolling around in the sun attacked the table leg. She's been on the thyroid medication for 25days. It really helps. She's due for more tests to see her levels and to see if her kidney function is ok. She looks unhappy, as do all my cats at the moment.


24 Apr 2016 141
Growing on the fallen tree in my back yard.


17 Mar 2016 1 1 150
He thinks he's the King of the Castle!

This is MY spot!

17 Mar 2016 152
Mercedes giving Raphael "The Look".


14 Mar 2016 155
He's just been brushed.

Sleeping Tiger

20 Mar 2016 1 1 256
Matilda is fast asleep outside. Our cooler weather has arrived finally. She has a very sore tooth at the moment. Trying to organise a vehicle to get her to my vet far away. I don't trust the local vets, and they charge a lot more than my old vet. Update on Josie: Josie is doing ok but gaining weight rapidly. I'm letting her eat more, then I put her on a low Iodine diet but she began to refuse the food. After researching online I'm giving her high quality protein, and when she wants to overeat I give her the low Iodine food. She's not drinking like a maniac anymore, but she's gaining fat weight. If I reduce her food, she loses muscle weight. I'm looking at homeopathic ideas to treat her. Realistically I don't have the means to treat her with a vet.

Josie has Hyperthyroidism

18 Feb 2016 1 3 273
Josie has hyperthyroidism. Her kidneys are fine, in fact her Urea was a touch low. Also her potassium was a touch low. Everything else was fine. It is caused by a tumour on the thyroid. That's why she steals food and breaks into the oven. But the mystery is she is overweight...she should be very thin with hyperthyroidism. (She did drop suddenly a bit of weight a few weeks ago) Her TT4 measured 87. It should be betweem 10-60. This is the reason she drinks so much. My poor little girl. The local vet recommends a treatment called "RADIOACTIVE IODINE THERAPY". One treatment cures 95% of cases. It is very expensive. I have to ring tomorrow to find out how much it costs. Another option is surgery but it is very close to the parathyroid gland, and if he damages that, she will die, so he is reluctant to remove the tumour. And this operation would be expensive too. And the final option of treatment is tablets, for life. It does not cure the problem and you will always be giving her blood tests to get the levels right and she will be on medication for life. Her blood pressure will always have to be watched monthly. I'm not in a position to easily give her what she needs. And I have to make a decision soon.

Matilda my Gorgeous Girl

22 Feb 2016 1 1 193
She's 10yo and my darling. I've had her from a kitten, and she adored me whilst choosing her from a heap of kittens at the pet store. When others held her she was scared, when I held her, she snuggled in and showed obvious signs of affection. She turned 10yo on 23rd Dec 2015.

Self Designated Food Police

21 Feb 2016 3 1 171
Josie~who else of course! Always into everything, can't turn my back. The door was ajar to allow the grill to cool down. I had made toast and heated up some meat in there. She's pulled the door right down and sneaking in there while I'm busy.

Midnight is 7yo.

27 Feb 2016 2 1 154
He is tired of the heat. We are having our hottest March on record. It's supposed to be Autumn...but the heat persists. Midnight turned 7 on the 1st of March. Not his actual birth date. It's approximate.

Busy Josie

22 Feb 2016 129
Busy rolling and being silly in the grass.

Upside down Josie

22 Feb 2016 97
She always amuses me with her antics.


22 Feb 2016 1 1 129
Don't stop patting me mum.

Just for me

25 Feb 2016 132
One of my hibiscus cuttings bloomed a flower for me during a very hot spell...having a lot of problems with my nuisance neighbours, this sight is just what I needed...

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