Nature's Fecundity

Cultivated Garden

Nature's Fecundity

05 Nov 2013 11 4 753
Delphinium Elatum seed pod development. All the world is a hustle bustle, and all the while Nature quietly procreates to ensure survival. This Delphinium is in a hurry, producing seed pods while the florets are still in full bloom. The summer has been dry in Australia this year, with little rain in six months. Some plants seem to sense this in advance and grow and seed quickly in an attempt to give their offspring a head start.

Full flush

20 Oct 2015 8 6 351
Gaura Lindheimeri Pink Butterflies provides a long flowering season from Spring to late Autumn. It attracts honey bees, native bees and other pollinating insects.


02 Apr 2017 7 3 345
Pineapple Lily or Eucomis hybrid, native of South Africa. This variety has wonderful purple sword-like foliage for 11 months of the year. It flowers in Spring for two months and then dies down for a month of rest before new foliage appears until the next year. A trouble free bulb grown in a pot as here or out in the garden.

Cranesbill Geranium Nodosum

04 Dec 2011 15 13 583
My favourite cranesbill geranium with the most refined looking flower.