O'Doul Gate

Mamiya 645 Pro TL

The Mamiya 645 Pro TL has electronic light metering linked to a prism finder although I generally shoot in Manual Mode. It's lenses are excellent quality and the 6X4.5 medium format size produces photos of great resolution.

O'Doul Gate

08 Jun 2013 4 3 891
Fans who arrive by ferry dock at McCovey Cove and enter the 'Lefty' O'Doul Gate when attending San Francisco Giants games at AT&T Park. This photo was shot from a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format camera using Fuji Reala 100 film and was digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Cliffs of Nova Albion

03 Sep 2013 2 2 574
Up close and personal with the cliffs which reminded early explorer and privateer, Sir Francis Drake, of the original Albion (Dover). This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor C 45mm 1:2.8 N lens using Kodak Portra 400 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Beach Paradise

10 Sep 2013 4 1 672
An hour's walk south from Limantour Beach parking area are some isolated areas hemmed in by cliffs and rocky promontories. This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor C 45mm 1:2.8 N lens using Fuji Reala 100 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Rugged Coast

03 Sep 2013 3 645
Shoes recommended. This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor C 45mm 1:2.8 N lens using Fuji Reala 100 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and was digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Sunny Beach

03 Sep 2013 5 1 872
Any who desire a bit of sunshine during the grey winter months are welcome to click on this image - no sunscreen is necessary. This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor C 45mm 1:2.8 N lens using Kodak Portra 400 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Forest Trek

09 Jan 2014 2 752
City dwellers in San Francisco need not go far to get a taste of nature, such as this view within the Golden Gate Park. This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor Zoom C 55-110mm 1:4.5 N lens using Kodak Portra 160 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Emergent Infestation

04 Jan 2014 4 778
Always vigilant against pests, the Napa Wine Country is on constant guard against dangerous infestations. Disguised as a simple olive tree, this fiendish monster threatens all peace-loving wine consumers!! This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor Zoom C 55-110mm 1:4.5 N lens using Kodak Portra 160 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Stow Lake Bridge

09 Jan 2014 4 2 828
The stone bridge links to Strawberry Hill and was created as part of the The California Midwinter International Exposition of 1894 . This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera with a Mamiya-Sekor Zoom C 55-110mm 1:4.5 N lens using Kodak Portra 160 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Drake's Flotilla

09 Jan 2014 1 1 813
The Drake and Drakesse review the passing fleet. This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor Zoom C 55-110mm 1:4.5 N lens using Kodak Portra 160 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Blossoming Starlet

09 Jan 2014 2 714
Making her debut in the limelight - a fresh pretty face. After a short time in the spotlight she will fade into obscurity to be replaced by a new starlet . . . This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor Zoom C 55-110mm 1:4.5 N lens using Kodak Portra 160 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.


10 Mar 2013 1 2 558
A sculpture outside of the Pacific Stock Exchange by Ralph Stackpole featuring a Social Realism theme from the 1930's. This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor C 45mm 1:2.8 N lens using Kodak T-MAX 400 film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection 600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.


09 Feb 2013 607
Children! Today's lesson is about Christopher Columbus. He discovered America in 1492 and read a proclamation giving the New World to King Ferdinand of Spain. This impressed the local people so much that they now celebrate the second Monday of October as Columbus Day This image was taken with a Mamiya 645 ProTL with a Mamiya-Sekor C 1:2.8 45mm N lens using Kodak Ektar 100 film, scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.


03 Sep 2013 1 563
Here at Point Resistance in Point Reyes National Seashore - Resistance is Futile . . . This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor C 45mm 1:2.8 N lens with a Zenza Bronica 67mm SL39•3C(UV) filter using Fuji Reala 100 film and was scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Super Sonic

21 Aug 2012 1 498
Need Fast Delivery? Did you procrastinate too much before sending off your Holiday Gifts? Your solution is here Super Sonic Delivery Service (SSDS) This photo was shot by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL and Mamiya-Sekor Zoom C 55 ~110mm 1:4.5 N lens with Fujicolor 160 film, the negative scanned by an HP Scanjet G4050 and digitalized with Photoshop.


21 Aug 2012 1 1 603
Dewey and Louie are just out of the frame . . . This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 ProTL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor Zoom C 55 ~110mm 1:4.5 N lens using Fuji Pro NS 160 film, the negative scanned by an HP Scanjet G4050 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.


15 Jul 2015 2 578
Storing for future needs. This photo was shot from a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera with a Mamiya-Sekor C 45mm 1:2.8 N lens using Kodak Ektar 100 film, scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and was digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Ridgecrest Vista

15 Jul 2015 13 6 734
Overlooking the advancing marine layer . . . www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-Xm7s9eGxU Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1 Music for contemplation This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and Mamiya-Sekor C 45mm 1:2.8 N lens with aTiffen 67mm orange filter using Kodak 400TX film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

Flower Power

24 Jul 2015 3 6 589
People stop to admire the flowers, not even realizing that this is indeed a fence . . . This photo was taken by a Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format film camera and a Mamiya-Sekor Zoom C 55-110mm 1:4.5 N lens using Fuji 160NS film, the negative scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.

42 items in total