House Sparrow feeding frenzy

The Saskatoon Farm

28 Sep 2013

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273 visits

Just for fun

Couldn't resist : ) Couldn't resist : ) Spent a most enjoyable few hours at the Saskatoon Farm yesterday, with my youngest daughter and two members of the photography group that she leads. It's a fascinating place to visit, with all sorts of things to photograph, a gift shop, a food shop, and a restaurant that offers delicious food! I love their quiche. So nice to just wander at leisure and have lunch together. This was the very first time that I had driven there, though I had been with various friends maybe three or so times before. So, that's one more place I can now drive to, which feels good.

28 Sep 2013

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236 visits

Replica of a Chinese warrior

On Saturday, 28 September 2013, I went with my youngest daughter and two people who belong to the photography group that my daughter leads, to the Saskatoon Farm for a few very enjoyable hours. This is a photo of just one of the many statues and sculptures that decorate the grounds, and there are things of interest everywhere you look. They have a restaurant, too, which serves delicious food - I love their deep Quiche! You can go there and pick your own Saskatoon berries in the right season. There is a large gift shop and a food shop to keep you busy. I'm guessing that the statue in my photo is a replica of a Chinese Warrior, Terracotta Army.

29 Sep 2013

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398 visits

Strawberry and Rhubarb tart

Spent a most enjoyable few hours at the Saskatoon Farm on Saturday, 28 September 2013, with my youngest daughter and two members of the photography group that she leads. It's a fascinating place to visit, with all sorts of things to photograph, a gift shop, a food shop, and a restaurant that offers delicious food! I love their quiche. So nice to just wander at leisure with our cameras and have lunch together. This was the very first time that I had driven there, though I had been with various friends maybe three or so times before. So, that's one more place I can now drive to, which feels good. Bought a box of four of these tasty tarts.

28 Sep 2013

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327 visits

Wall decoration

On Saturday, 28 September 2013, I went with my youngest daughter and two people who belong to the photography group that my daughter leads, to the Saskatoon Farm (S of Calgary) for a few very enjoyable hours. This is a photo of one of the various wall decorations they had there. Very tempting! They have a restaurant, too, which serves delicious food - I love their deep Quiche! You can go there and pick your own Saskatoon berries in the right season. There is a large gift shop and a food shop to keep you busy.

28 Sep 2013

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852 visits

Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month

Noticed a couple of these beautiful Poppies when I was at the Saskatoon Farm on 28 September 2013 with my youngest daughter and two of the participants in her photography group. So good to still see some garden flowers in bloom, as October was only a couple of days away. Pink is the colour associated with Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October). "Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) (also referred to in America as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM)) is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer. As well as providing a platform for breast cancer charities to raise awareness of their work and of the disease, BCAM is also a prime opportunity to remind women to be breast aware for earlier detection. In 1993 Evelyn Lauder, Senior Corporate Vice President of the Estée Lauder Companies founded The Breast Cancer Research Foundation and established the pink ribbon as its symbol, though this was not the first time the ribbon was used to symbolize breast cancer. In the fall of 1991, the Susan G. Komen Foundation had handed out pink ribbons to participants in its New York City race for breast cancer survivors." From Wikipedia.

28 Sep 2013

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280 visits

Fake but fun

On Saturday, 28 September 2013, I went with my youngest daughter and two people who belong to the photography group that my daughter leads, to the Saskatoon Farm (S of Calgary) for a few very enjoyable hours. This is a photo of one of the various garden decorations they had there. They have a restaurant, too, which serves delicious food - I love their deep Quiche! You can go there and pick your own Saskatoon berries in the right season. There is a large gift shop and a food shop to keep you busy and happy.

28 Sep 2013

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227 visits

Split personality

I think I would have preferred this capture without the fern leaf in the way, but I didn't want to walk on the plants to try and move it out of the way. Seen on 28 September, when I went with my youngest daughter and two people who belong to the photography group that my daughter leads, to the Saskatoon Farm (S of Calgary) for a few very enjoyable hours.

28 Sep 2013

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477 visits

Milk Thistle / Silybum marianum

On the Internet, I saw a couple of photos of flowers just like this one, that were identified as Purple Star Thistle, Centaurea calcitrapa, but lots of photos of a different plant that had this name. So, I don't think I do have the right name. Could it be Silybum marianum? Yes, I think that is what it is - also called Milk Thistle. Anyway, I thought it was a beautiful plant, though the purple flower was on its last legs. Taken on 28 September 2013, when I spent a most enjoyable few hours at the Saskatoon Farm with my youngest daughter and two members of the photography group that she leads. It's a fascinating place to visit, with all sorts of things to photograph, a gift shop, a food shop, and a restaurant that offers delicious food! I love their quiche. So nice to just wander at leisure and have lunch together. This was the very first time that I had driven there, though I had been with various friends maybe three or so times before. So, that's one more place I can now drive to, which feels good. "Silybum marianum (milk thistle) is an annual or biannual plant of the Asteraceae family. This fairly typical thistle has red to purple flowers and shiny pale green leaves with white veins. Originally a native of Southern Europe through to Asia, it is now found throughout the world. The medicinal parts of the plant are the ripe seeds. Other common names for this species include blessed milk thistle, Marian Thistle, Mary Thistle, Saint Mary's Thistle, Mediterranean milk thistle, variegated thistle and Scotch thistle." From Wikipedia.

28 Sep 2013

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370 visits

The blue teapot wall

I needed colour for my uploads today - I think I've been looking at too many green moss and green lichen images recently : ) I couldn't compose an image of these old teapots quite how I would have liked, because I had to peer through a gap in the trees to see them. However, I love this idea for an outside wall and love the shade of blue of the pottery. Actually, they also had other colours of teapots on different parts of the wall. Taken on 28 September 2013 when I went with my youngest daughter and two of the people from the photography group she leads, to the Saskatoon Farm. This interesting place is maybe a 20-minute drive south from the southern edge of Calgary. You can collect your own Saskatoon berries in season, look around their outside green houses, at their inside gift shop full of very unusual things, buy special baking, jams, teas and so on, and they also have a restaurant that offers absolutely delicious food! It was so enjoyable to wander everywhere with our cameras and then have a great lunch.
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