White-tailed Deer

Wild animals of Alberta 1

04 Jan 2005

138 visits

White-tailed Deer

These two deer were part of a group of maybe half a dozen White-tailed Deer that I came across on one of my local park walks. I stood still and watched them cross the path in front of me - all but one! These two turned their heads, waiting patienlty for the remaining young one to pluck up enough courage to cross. In the end, I turned around and walked back a little way, otherwise we could all have been waiting for ever! We have two kinds of deer in our parks - White-tailed and Mule Deer.

26 Oct 2004

145 visits

Red Squirrel in winter

Came across this little guy/gal on one of my cold winter walks in a local park. The background at the top of the photo looks a little like clouds but is, in fact, snow.

27 Dec 2004

157 visits


Even though this is a rather distant photo and somewhat blurry, it is one of my favourites. I was just driving down the small road that leads into my local park when I spotted this gorgeous creature near the edge of the road. I slowed down and stopped and watched as it searched, stalked and POUNCED! It caught a little meadow vole or similar and I watched as it ate it. This is the expression (almost sly) on the Coyote's face immediately after it had eaten - there is still a piece of dead grass hanging from its mouth. I always enjoy seeing Coyotes but some people are quite afraid of them. Usually when they see a human being, they will turn and quietly slip away in the opposite direction.

31 Aug 2006

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174 visits


I saw this young Coyote that was with another young one when I went for a drive with my daughter into Kananaskis (Rocky Mountains). They trotted right past where I was standing by my car, obviously not bothered at all by my presence.

31 Aug 2006

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151 visits


This young Coyote didn't seem in the least bit bothered by my presence.

01 Sep 2005

158 visits

Bighorn Mountain Sheep

We encountered this 10-year-old Mountain Sheep on Highway 40, going through Kananaskis. It was very unsteady on its feet, and we were concerned that it might get hit by some vehicle coming round the corner. A ranger happened to come by and she told us that she knew about this particular animal. The average life-span is 7-8 years.

27 Dec 2004

185 visits

Coyote on the prowl

Always a treat to watch one of these animals, especially when it is on the prowl for a snack.

16 Nov 2004

156 visits

Mother and child

Came across this female Mule Deer with her youngster just as the sun was beginning to set in a local park. The big ears and white tail with a black tip identify these as Mulies.

25 Jun 2004

1 favorite

148 visits

White-tailed doe & fawn

On 25th June 2004, around 5:30 p.m. on a quiet evening walk in Fish Creek Park, this is the scene that I came upon. This must have been an almost new-born fawn, it was SO tiny. I was SO excited that I could barely remember how to even turn on my camera, and I'm sure I was trembling with awe, so the image is not as sharp as it might have been. And that annoying piece of grass! Also, though I was at some distance to them, I was extremely careful and very conscious of intruding on such a special moment. The mother stood still for a while, allowing her fawn to nurse, and I felt very privileged.
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