The sunflower droop


Will gradually add all my Sunflower photos when I have time.

27 Sep 2009

129 visits

Floral flames

A red Sunflower, 27th September. Always a cheery shot of vivid colour : ) Hope it brightens your day, if you've been having crummy weather, like rain or the "white stuff". It's been a reasonable day here, mild but rather dull. Have just got home from having to call in and buy a new external hard drive. Bought two about a month ago, and the one keeps freezing my computer completely. Art (LeapFrog!), I should have listened to your words of wisdom a little while ago and returned it sooner. Fortunately, I was told that I could still return the faulty one next week. So, now I have many dozens of files to save all over again : ( WiIl be out all evening.

08 Sep 2005

133 visits

Sunny details

Another Sunflower found in the garden at Fort Calgary. These flowers never cease to awe me with their beauty.

06 Oct 2007

191 visits

Sunflower from Safeway

One of the small Sunflowers that I bought from Safeway on Friday. Three were like this one and two were bright orange. Nothing unusual, but I can never get too much of Sunflowers.

16 Jul 2009

166 visits

About to face the world

A Sunflower bud just beginning to open, in a friend's garden.

18 Oct 2007

139 visits

Looking up

Dare I post yet another Sunflower photo??? Sorry - I really will run out eventually, LOL! This orange Sunflower that I bought at Safeway is just such a beautiful flower, with its mix of colours and its hairy, spiky bracts (?). All natural colour, by the way!

18 Oct 2007

105 visits

Final beauty

One of my Sunflowers bought from Safeway has finally reached its final stage. There is still beauty in those pale, curled, hairy bracts (?), though I need to try and get a better photo of them : )

10 Sep 2008

116 visits

Hanging on to summer

Sunflowers sadly seem to be at the end of their spectacular season. Caught this one at the Reader Rock Garden recently.

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22 Oct 2012

229 visits

Change of season

After a three-hour walk along the south shore of the Glenmore Reservoir yesterday morning, and seeing around 10,000 birds out on the water (at a great distance, so no good for photos), I found something to photograph back at the parking lot : ) A row of tall Sunflowers, still beautiful with their withered and drooping golden petals, and each one wearing a cap of snow. Now, if I had photographed them today, there would be around 6 or 7 inches of snow on them!! I had no idea that these beautiful flowers had been growing there. Taken in atrocious light, so I'm glad that a few of the photos came out OK. Still snowing, too. I am so thankful that I don't have to go out today, though it will probably be even worse when I do have to go out for my volunteer shift tomorrow, ha.

08 Oct 2007

140 visits

Clearwing Moth

There is something "strange" about this photo, which maybe someone will pick up! The gorgeous orange Sunflower was bought at Safeway last week. The insect - a Clearwing Moth. Now, what is wrong with this image, LOL??
66 items in total