Hello little Nuthatch

Birds of Alberta 2

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10 Dec 2006

167 visits

Hello little Nuthatch

This is only the second time I've ever had a White-breasted Nuthatch fly down to my hand. The other week when it happened, I didn't get any decent photos, but today I had better luck. I did post a photo of one of these birds on my daughter's hand some time ago. (Note on 1st July 2007: wow, this photo, uploaded on 10th December 2006, suddenly appeared in Explore today for the very first time! Neat.)

10 Dec 2006

107 visits

Waiting for food

After my morning walk today, which produced no bird photos, I decided to call in briefly at one of my local parks on the way home and take a few pictures.

10 Dec 2006

126 visits

One-foot pose

I'm not sure I'd ever noticed before that Chickadees sometimes hold on to a branch with only one leg.

27 Jul 2006

200 visits

Are you really my mother?

Snowy Owl female and owlet at the Calgary Zoo. This is a cropped version of a photo similar to one I posted a while ago. So "ugly", it's cute!

11 Dec 2006

113 visits

Eyes on the biggest

I have a bag of mixed seeds and nuts -perhaps not the best selection - but you'd be amazed to see the greediest Chickadees fly away with one of these nuts!

11 Dec 2006

154 visits

Pine Grosbeak

I watched about eight of these birds feeding at ground level and flying to the lowest branches of the bushes. I think this a Pine Grosbeak but I'm not sure if it is an adult or a juvenile, male or female. This was the first time I have ever seen one of these birds this close - and this was my only shot, good enough for identifying purposes.

10 Dec 2006

158 visits


Couldn't resist calling in at one of my favorite spots on Sunday afternoon. Trouble is, each Chickadee photo is a little different - hence your being swamped!

12 Dec 2006

150 visits


Again, not the greatest lighting.

12 Dec 2006

152 visits

Black (and white) beauty

Took a friend to one of my favorite places (Fish Creek Park) this afternoon, mainly to show her the two Great Horned Owls that I was really hoping would be in their usual place. She was thrilled to see not only the two owls but also a Northern Flicker, this little Downy Woodpecker (which was the same one that flew to my hand recently), a pair of White-breasted Nuthatches (eat your heart out, Danny!) and of course all the usual Black-capped Chickadees. As we were leaving the area, a Pileated Woodpecker flew overhead across the road!
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