Happy Christmas and thanks, fd!

Special posters for fun

Thank you, fd, for these special posters that you gave to us all, and for all the very creative "toys" you have designed and provided for us. They are so much enjoyed. My thanks to everyone who has allowed me to share my photos with them. So very much appreciated!

23 Dec 2006

137 visits

Happy Christmas and thanks, fd!

Thank you SO much, fd, for this wonderful surprise this morning!!! You obviously knew that we all dreamed of seeing ALL our photos in Explore and this is the very next best thing!! What an extremely thoughtful idea! You have brought so much enjoyment for months to so many people with your clever, creative "toys". I know that I am definitely one of those people. However, from the heights of happiness, I have plunged to the depths of disappointment, because I clicked on "Turn off Christmas Scout"(?) just to have a quick look to see which of my photos were in Explore today, and then I couldn't see any way to return to the most attractive Christmas poster. Actually, you might just be responsible for an Internet crash, as I can't even access Scout at the moment! Congratulations and thanks for such a kind and much-enjoyed idea! 1. That tasted so good , 2. Curves , 3. Out with Mom , 4. First sign of spring , 5. Female beauty , 6. Are you really my mother? , 7. Young Red , 8. Snow-covered tresses , 9. Long-eared Owl 3 , 10. This time, a wild Chickadee , 11. Blue beauty , 12. Long-eared Owl 1 , 13. Coming and going , 14. A winter scene , 15. Brrrr.... , 16. Loving the sun , 17. Weary , 18. American White Pelicans , 19. Four eyes , 20. Northern Saw-whet Owl , 21. Male Snowy Owl , 22. Winter feeding time , 23. Do I see supper? , 24. Young Great Horned Owl , 25. Proud Mama , 26. Snowy Owl , 27. Snowy Owl , 28. Colours , 29. White-breasted Nuthatch , 30. Coyote in the snow , 31. Sunny Flicker , 32. Treats , 33. Hanging beauty , 34. Great Grey Owl , 35. Which one should I take? , 36. Thumbs make great perches , 37. Downy Woodpecker , 38. Hello little Nuthatch , 39. River of ice , 40. Tangle of hairs , 41. White-breasted Nuthatch , 42. Young Great Horned Owl , 43. Like my colour? , 44. Stream of silver , 45. Pretending to be a tree trunk! , 46. Too cold for a walk? , 47. Female Snowy Owl and owlet, Calgary Zoo , 48. No, I was here first! , 49. Looking back , 50. Twist , 51. Happy Christmas, everyone! , 52. The path to nowhere , 53. Lily , 54. Black (and white) beauty , 55. Who are you? , 56. Winter beauty , 57. Yellow Jacket , 58. On golden pond , 59. Here, in all its glory , 60. Trust , 61. Majestic , 62. At rest , 63. Bow Valley Provincial Park , 64. Fancy feathers , 65. Whoooo are you? , 66. Diagonal stretch , 67. On purple , 68. Birdsfoot Trefoil , 69. A place to rest , 70. Hairy , 71. Bright eyes , 72. I'm watching you!

01 Apr 2007

173 visits

Thanks for the April Fool's Day fun, fd... page 1

...and many thanks to everyone for all your visits that have enabled a number of my photos to get into the real Explore! Thank you so much for taking the time! 1. Now I can see better , 2. That tasted so good , 3. Are you really my mother? , 4. Magnificence , 5. Down by the river , 6. Close encounter , 7. If I just sit and wait... , 8. Curves , 9. Out with Mom , 10. Female beauty , 11. Deep in thought , 12. Who are you? , 13. Long-eared Owl 3 , 14. Young Red , 15. This gentle creature , 16. First sign of spring , 17. Oh, my hair! , 18. Five , 19. Purple beauty , 20. Little beauty , 21. Blue beauty , 22. This time, a wild Chickadee , 23. Common Gaillardia , 24. There's no time like snow time , 25. Blue beauty , 26. Snow-covered tresses , 27. One , 28. Orange 5 , 29. Northern Saw-whet Owl , 30. Vertigo , 31. A winter scene , 32. Winner of the staring contest , 33. The Ravenous Raven , 34. Loving the sun , 35. I'm watching you , 36. Intricate , 37. Surprise visitor , 38. Long-eared Owl 1 , 39. Dream world , 40. Get out of my face! , 41. Stretch , 42. Male Snowy Owl , 43. American White Pelicans , 44. My little buddy , 45. Hey, look at me! , 46. Coming and going , 47. Flicker Beauty , 48. Curiosity , 49. At the end of the day , 50. Pink sentinels , 51. A good old shake , 52. Hello, little lady , 53. Brrrr.... , 54. Bow Valley Provincial Park , 55. Another one bites the dust , 56. Checking things out , 57. Energy renewal , 58. Upside down , 59. Just what the doctor ordered , 60. What big claws you have , 61. Golden Eagle route , 62. Hello little Nuthatch , 63. Do I see supper? , 64. In the blink of an eye , 65. Dressed for warmth , 66. I don't WANT my picture taken! , 67. Treats , 68. Colours , 69. Any females around here? , 70. Weary , 71. Coyote in the snow , 72. Great Horned Owl Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

01 Apr 2007

118 visits

Thanks for the April Fool's Day fun, fd... page 2

Don't worry - am only going to post these first two pages, not all 20 or so! My deep thanks and appreciation to you all again! 1. Staying close to Mum , 2. Thumbs make great perches , 3. A moment in the life... , 4. Beaver 2 , 5. Proud Mama , 6. Light as a feather , 7. Great Grey Owl , 8. .... or this one? , 9. If I keep still.... , 10. Four eyes , 11. Golden ribbons , 12. Orange 4 , 13. Young Great Horned Owl , 14. Moraine Lake , 15. White-breasted Nuthatch , 16. Snowy Owl , 17. You can count on me! , 18. Sunny Flicker , 19. River of ice , 20. At rest , 21. Tangle of hairs , 22. Winter feeding time , 23. One, two ....THREE! , 24. Beer belly , 25. Hanging beauty , 26. Snowy Owl , 27. Yes, I KNOW I look fat , 28. Contemplation , 29. Goat's-beard , 30. Bow Lake , 31. Gaillardia Fanfare , 32. Prickly Pear blossom , 33. A patch of blue , 34. Dot, dot, dot .... , 35. White-breasted Nuthatch , 36. Waiting , 37. Lighting up the forest , 38. Mt. Lorette area 4 , 39. Sitting in the food bowl , 40. Which one should I take? , 41. Elbow Falls , 42. Who's watching who? , 43. Wind-flower , 44. Banded Orange Heliconian , 45. Stealth , 46. Follow the leader , 47. Specially for me , 48. Downy Woodpecker , 49. Paintbrush , 50. Young Great Horned Owl , 51. Female Snowy Owl and owlet, Calgary Zoo , 52. Three , 53. Let there be light... , 54. Snow glow , 55. No, I was here first! , 56. Macho male , 57. Red Squirrel in winter , 58. Find the snowflakes , 59. Slippery descent , 60. Three-way conversation , 61. Ring of doves , 62. Coyote on the prowl , 63. Western Shooting Star , 64. Bow Valley Provincial Park , 65. Pretending to be a tree trunk! , 66. Orange 6 , 67. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! , 68. Hmmm... I'm curious , 69. In your face , 70. Stream of silver , 71. To warm the soul , 72. Static Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

23 Dec 2008

160 visits

My top 72 "Most Interesting" photos

Thanks again, fd, for the annual Christmas treat! It's great to see ALL ones images in order of "Most Interesting" on a poster similar to the usual Explore poster. I will only post page 1, as I have 4,046 images on Flickr, LOL! Makes for an interesting and useful record for us to keep. Thank you, also, for all those other fun "toys" that you provide us with all year round : ) Hope you and your family have a wonderful, happy Christmas! To everyone else, thank you all SO much for actually taking the time to look at my photos - it means a LOT to me! Your wonderful comments encourage me, which is priceless : ) If you go to Scout, you will find that all your images are being displayed like this : ) 1. Now I can see better , 2. Oh, no - she's BACK! , 3. Fluffed to the max , 4. Takes my breath away , 5. That tasted so good , 6. Are you really my mother? , 7. Christmas cactus , 8. House Sparrow , 9. Rose , 10. Magnificence , 11. Now that's good discipline , 12. Wind chill -23C , 13. Rose , 14. My little visitor , 15. I'm blurry, but love me just the same , 16. Into the sun , 17. It's cold outside , 18. Blue beauty , 19. Down by the river , 20. Pink petals , 21. Long-eared Owl 3 , 22. Newborn fluff , 23. Close encounter , 24. Out with Mom , 25. Pure , 26. Bow Valley Provincial Park , 27. Concentration , 28. Northern Pygmy-owl , 29. Dainty , 30. This gentle creature , 31. Red Powder Puff , 32. At ease - for a second , 33. Who are you? , 34. Butterfly , 35. If I just sit and wait... , 36. Female beauty , 37. Well, hello there , 38. Jamaican Poinsettia , 39. Vibrancy , 40. Frosted feather , 41. Colour on a snowy day , 42. With a quick swoop , 43. Enjoying the sun , 44. Curves , 45. Butterfly , 46. Bird's-foot Trefoil , 47. Glowing berries , 48. I rule , 49. Himalayan Blue Poppy , 50. Consolation prize , 51. Let's do the twist , 52. Hey, lady, got any food? , 53. Red Squirrel , 54. Great Gray Owl , 55. Colours of spring , 56. Condos for the little forest people , 57. Red-breasted Nuthatch , 58. Black-capped Chickadee , 59. Curiosity , 60. Bohemian Waxwing , 61. Spots before my eyes , 62. Deep, dark pools , 63. Happy 4th July! , 64. Between friends , 65. Purple pleasure , 66. Smooth Blue Beardtongue , 67. Trio , 68. Cactus flower , 69. Sunflower from Safeway , 70. One , 71. Deep in thought , 72. The eye Created with fd's Flickr Toys .