Welcome colour

Garden flowers 6

23 Sep 2019

107 visits

The first day of fall

This afternoon, 23 September 2019, I made a last-minute dash to the Saskatoon Farm, after seeing the very unpleasant weather forecast that is about to hit us. A couple of days of rain followed by a few days of SNOW. These colourful images should have waited till our world turns white, but just the thought of seeing snow was enough to make me long for colour - and lots of it! Also, I thought I had better post something other than fungi, though I have so many more photos of them that I need to edit and upload. The sun was supposed to shine today, along with some cloud, but it turned out to be an overcast afternoon with poor light for photos. Better than snow, any day. This interesting place is maybe a 20-minute drive SE from the southern edge of Calgary. You can collect your own Saskatoon berries in season, look around their outside green houses, and their inside gift shop full of unusual things, and buy special baking, jams, teas and so on. They also have a restaurant that offers great food. www.saskatoonfarm.com/ As usual, I wandered round the grounds with my camera, catching two of the dogs, a chicken, as well as flowers. Many of the latter are on their last legs, but there is still some colour to be enjoyed. I never return home with an empty memory card when I visit this place.

23 Sep 2019

66 visits

A sure sign of fall

This afternoon, 23 September 2019, I made a last-minute dash to the Saskatoon Farm, after seeing the very unpleasant weather forecast that is about to hit us. A couple of days of rain followed by a few days of SNOW. These colourful images should have waited till our world turns white, but just the thought of seeing snow was enough to make me long for colour - and lots of it! Also, I thought I had better post something other than fungi, though I have so many more photos of them that I need to edit and upload. The sun was supposed to shine today, along with some cloud, but it turned out to be an overcast afternoon with poor light for photos. Better than snow, any day. This interesting place is maybe a 20-minute drive SE from the southern edge of Calgary. You can collect your own Saskatoon berries in season, look around their outside green houses, and their inside gift shop full of unusual things, and buy special baking, jams, teas and so on. They also have a restaurant that offers great food. www.saskatoonfarm.com/ As usual, I wandered round the grounds with my camera, catching two of the dogs, a chicken, as well as flowers. Many of the latter are on their last legs, but there is still some colour to be enjoyed. I never return home with an empty memory card when I visit this place.

23 Sep 2019

69 visits

Poppy seedpod wearing its crown

This afternoon, 23 September 2019, I made a last-minute dash to the Saskatoon Farm, after seeing the very unpleasant weather forecast that is about to hit us. A couple of days of rain followed by a few days of SNOW. These colourful images should have waited till our world turns white, but just the thought of seeing snow was enough to make me long for colour - and lots of it! Also, I thought I had better post something other than fungi, though I have so many more photos of them that I need to edit and upload. The sun was supposed to shine today, along with some cloud, but it turned out to be an overcast afternoon with poor light for photos. Better than snow, any day. This interesting place is maybe a 20-minute drive SE from the southern edge of Calgary. You can collect your own Saskatoon berries in season, look around their outside green houses, and their inside gift shop full of unusual things, and buy special baking, jams, teas and so on. They also have a restaurant that offers great food. www.saskatoonfarm.com/ As usual, I wandered round the grounds with my camera, catching two of the dogs, a chicken, as well as flowers. Many of the latter are on their last legs, but there is still some colour to be enjoyed. I never return home with an empty memory card when I visit this place.

23 Sep 2019

1 comment

231 visits

Sunflower, against a pink barn

This afternoon, 23 September 2019, I made a last-minute dash to the Saskatoon Farm, after seeing the very unpleasant weather forecast that is about to hit us. A couple of days of rain followed by a few days of SNOW. These colourful images should have waited till our world turns white, but just the thought of seeing snow was enough to make me long for colour - and lots of it! Also, I thought I had better post something other than fungi, though I have so many more photos of them that I need to edit and upload. The sun was supposed to shine today, along with some cloud, but it turned out to be an overcast afternoon with poor light for photos. Better than snow, any day. This interesting place is maybe a 20-minute drive SE from the southern edge of Calgary. You can collect your own Saskatoon berries in season, look around their outside green houses, and their inside gift shop full of unusual things, and buy special baking, jams, teas and so on. They also have a restaurant that offers great food. www.saskatoonfarm.com/ As usual, I wandered round the grounds with my camera, catching two of the dogs, a chicken, as well as flowers. Many of the latter are on their last legs, but there is still some colour to be enjoyed. I never return home with an empty memory card when I visit this place.

03 Sep 2019

69 visits


Goodbye fall, hello winter!!! Just five days into fall, and snow arrives in the city today, 28 September 2019. So far, there is maybe an inch of snow on the top of my fence and enough to cover my car, but thankfully, it has only been a light snowfall. Snowflakes still falling as I type. A few flurries are forecast for this afternoon and light snow tonight. Our temperature is -3C (windchill -8C). The forecast in Alberta for today and the next two days is "Winter storm could bring 60+ cm of snow, blizzard-like conditions possible." Thanks, Weather Network. I think Calgary will be spared the worst of the storm. The ground is still warm, so hopefully the snow will melt quickly. Here, the last snowfall typically happens in April or May, so we have very roughly seven months of snow/winter to face. Apparently, there has been snow in eight of the last 20 Septembers in Calgary, and snow in 19 of the last 20 Octobers. Needless to say, I needed COLOUR today, so I grabbed a few photos taken in a city garden on 3 September 2019. This is what I wrote when I posted several photos from that day: "Yesterday afternoon, 3 September 2019, was spent surrounded by colourful garden flowers. Knowing that it is not unusual for us to get snow in September, I knew I just had to go and capture some cheery colour before fall arrived and it was too late. That included Sunflowers, which are always a favourite. Just one orange one among the many yellow, and I could only see it from the back. A little gang of American Goldfinches was making the most of the Sunflower seeds."

03 Sep 2019

70 visits


Goodbye fall, hello winter!!! Just five days into fall, and snow arrives in the city today, 28 September 2019. So far, there is maybe an inch of snow on the top of my fence and enough to cover my car, but thankfully, it has only been a light snowfall. Snowflakes still falling as I type. A few flurries are forecast for this afternoon and light snow tonight. Our temperature is -3C (windchill -8C). The forecast in Alberta for today and the next two days is "Winter storm could bring 60+ cm of snow, blizzard-like conditions possible." Thanks, Weather Network. I think Calgary will be spared the worst of the storm. The ground is still warm, so hopefully the snow will melt quickly. Here, the last snowfall typically happens in April or May, so we have very roughly seven months of snow/winter to face. Apparently, there has been snow in eight of the last 20 Septembers in Calgary, and snow in 19 of the last 20 Octobers. Needless to say, I needed COLOUR today, so I grabbed a few photos taken in a city garden on 3 September 2019. This is what I wrote when I posted several photos from that day: "Yesterday afternoon, 3 September 2019, was spent surrounded by colourful garden flowers. Knowing that it is not unusual for us to get snow in September, I knew I just had to go and capture some cheery colour before fall arrived and it was too late. That included Sunflowers, which are always a favourite. Just one orange one among the many yellow, and I could only see it from the back. A little gang of American Goldfinches was making the most of the Sunflower seeds."

03 Sep 2019

83 visits

A touch of sunshine

Goodbye fall, hello winter!!! Just five days into fall, and snow arrives in the city today, 28 September 2019. So far, there is maybe an inch of snow on the top of my fence and enough to cover my car, but thankfully, it has only been a light snowfall. Snowflakes still falling as I type. A few flurries are forecast for this afternoon and light snow tonight. Our temperature is -3C (windchill -8C). The forecast in Alberta for today and the next two days is "Winter storm could bring 60+ cm of snow, blizzard-like conditions possible." Thanks, Weather Network. I think Calgary will be spared the worst of the storm. The ground is still warm, so hopefully the snow will melt quickly. Here, the last snowfall typically happens in April or May, so we have very roughly seven months of snow/winter to face. Apparently, there has been snow in eight of the last 20 Septembers in Calgary, and snow in 19 of the last 20 Octobers. Needless to say, I needed COLOUR today, so I grabbed a few photos taken in a city garden on 3 September 2019. This is what I wrote when I posted several photos from that day: "Yesterday afternoon, 3 September 2019, was spent surrounded by colourful garden flowers. Knowing that it is not unusual for us to get snow in September, I knew I just had to go and capture some cheery colour before fall arrived and it was too late. That included Sunflowers, which are always a favourite. Just one orange one among the many yellow, and I could only see it from the back. A little gang of American Goldfinches was making the most of the Sunflower seeds."

03 Sep 2019

1 favorite

1 comment

230 visits

A summer memory

Goodbye fall, hello winter!!! Just five days into fall, and snow arrives in the city today, 28 September 2019. So far, there is maybe an inch of snow on the top of my fence and enough to cover my car, but thankfully, it has only been a light snowfall. Snowflakes still falling as I type. A few flurries are forecast for this afternoon and light snow tonight. Our temperature is -3C (windchill -8C). The forecast in Alberta for today and the next two days is "Winter storm could bring 60+ cm of snow, blizzard-like conditions possible." Thanks, Weather Network. I think Calgary will be spared the worst of the storm. The ground is still warm, so hopefully the snow will melt quickly. Here, the last snowfall typically happens in April or May, so we have very roughly seven months of snow/winter to face. Apparently, there has been snow in eight of the last 20 Septembers in Calgary, and snow in 19 of the last 20 Octobers. Needless to say, I needed COLOUR today, so I grabbed a few photos taken in a city garden on 3 September 2019. This is what I wrote when I posted several photos from that day: "Yesterday afternoon, 3 September 2019, was spent surrounded by colourful garden flowers. Knowing that it is not unusual for us to get snow in September, I knew I just had to go and capture some cheery colour before fall arrived and it was too late. That included Sunflowers, which are always a favourite. Just one orange one among the many yellow, and I could only see it from the back. A little gang of American Goldfinches was making the most of the Sunflower seeds."

12 Sep 2019

232 visits

Garden flower

I finally got as far as the Calgary Zoo, on 12 September 2019. The last time I was there was on 26 June 2018 and the time before that had been 6 October 2015. I used to go several times a year, but the long gap from 2015 to 2018 was because of major road construction and a bridge replacement right by the Zoo. Anyway, it felt good to be back there a few weeks ago. . My visit only covered a small area of the Zoo, as I usually spend a lot of time in the Conservatory, enjoying the plants and tropical butterflies. I did call in to see the Giant Pandas one last time before they leave the Zoo after their five-year visit. How lucky we have been to have these four amazing animals visit our Zoo. They were in an inside enclosure, full of plants - and Bamboo, of course. The Zoo had another Panda visit way back in 1988, but they only stayed for seven months. The Conservation Status of the Giant Panda is Vulnerable, with fewer than 1,800 giant pandas left in the wild. A few hours well spent, happily clicking. Hopefully, it won't be so long before my next visit, though the west entrance does close each winter, and the north entrance is out of my driving comfort zone. It felt so good to once again be back in a place full of colour and interest. It also feels good to have some colourful photos to post this morning, following our three-day snow storm. I reckoned there must have been about 10 inches of snow on top of my fence and, sure enough, 10.6 inches (27 cm) of snow was recorded. Further south, in Waterton, they received 37.4 inches (95 cm) of the white stuff. No more snow in the forecast for the next little while, and the sun is shining today. Unfortunately, my computer is just about out of room, so a massive back-up of photo files and a lot of deleting from my hard drive is what is urgently needed.
15 items in total