20160529 3222c

All the kittens

See all my kitten pics in one album

20160529 3222c

29 May 2016 33 11 710
Couple days after arriving Unko and Anko were totally adjusted to us :)

Kesakuu6-2007 042b

22 Jun 2007 28 13 1069
Pipsa looking after her brother

20100815 01600c

20151227 8327c

27 Dec 2015 32 13 850
Abyssinian boy staying a still ... for a second

lokakuu6-2007 411c

14 Oct 2007 28 15 1118
Kitty sucking her paw

20151229 9492c

29 Dec 2015 24 15 1060
The scary wool sock

20160820 1081c

20 Aug 2016 38 14 1086
I visited this little charmer today :) (11 days old European shorthair)

20090602 9999 269c

02 Jun 2009 27 10 966
After dinner cleaning

20160820 0873c

20 Aug 2016 35 12 1136
European kitten

20160827 1308c

27 Aug 2016 59 29 1492
I had the priviledge of visiting four gorgeous Birman kittens today. Here's a fast first pic as I just got home

20160828 2615c

28 Aug 2016 36 23 1171
I was able to visit this young charmer again :)

20160904 2820c

04 Sep 2016 50 21 1328
I had the change to meet Raitapaita again today

20160827 1375c

27 Aug 2016 72 29 1621
Birman kitten transforming from interested mode to hunt mode

20160907 3051c

07 Sep 2016 23 8 821
And yesterday I visited a four week old litter of Oriental kittens

20160907 3099c

07 Sep 2016 34 14 1034
Another picture of the four week old Oriental kittens showing different stages of alertness

20160913 3584c

13 Sep 2016 32 12 1102
I just came home from taking these shots of Raitapaita

20160827 1521b

27 Aug 2016 40 11 1225
One of the Birman kittens, but I cannot tell them apart :)

20090601 9999 236c

01 Jun 2009 40 17 1164
Tamaki exploring a glass jar by himself :)

50 items in total