"Leaves That Are Green"...(turn to brown)

Whipsnade Tree Cathedral

16 Oct 2014

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550 visits

Autumn in Whipsnade Tree Cathedral

From the National Trust website - “The Whipsnade Tree Cathedral made from trees, hedges shrubs and plants was created in the form of a medieval Cathedral after the First World War in the spirit of 'faith, hope and reconciliation'.” And, for sure, I reckon we need some hope and reconciliation in this world!! On a much lighter note I shall probably be overdoing the soft focus effect this Autumn me thinks :-))) Possibly better view on black :-)

10 Nov 2014

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395 visits

"Lest We Forget"

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them." ...............................................Robert Laurence Binyon

01 Nov 2014

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804 visits

Whipsnade Tree Cathedral

I was so glad I waited around for the sun to come out :-)

26 Oct 2015

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562 visits

"Leaves That Are Green"...(turn to brown)

I don't know what this song is about.....maybe, the passage of time, a lost love..... Anyway, And the leaves that are green turn to brown And they wither with the wind And they crumble in your hand is enough of a tenuous Autumn link for me to use this song together with my Autumn photo taken in Whipsnade Tree Cathedral....methinks :-)) I am never too sure about adding soft focus to my Autumn shots but 'tis done now :-)) Added to ~ Sight and Sound ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Leaves That Are Green ~ Simon & Garfunkel