"Hey Mum, have you seen this shot of Wilfred Owen?"

Oxford A to Z

26 Jul 2012

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"Hey Mum, have you seen this shot of Wilfred Owen?"

One from last year! O is for... OWEN Photograph of the poet Wilfred Owen, who died in action on the Western Front in the First World War P is for ... PURCELL ‘Hail bright Cecilia’, the manuscript of Henry Purcell’s Ode for St Cecilia’s Day, 1692, celebrating the patron saint of music

05 Sep 2013

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Oxford A to Z

N is for… NASSAU HOURS Book of Hours made for Engelbert of Nassau. Flemish illumination by The Master of Mary of Burgundy. c.1470-1490 O is for … OWEN Photograph of the poet Wilfred Owen, who died in action on the Western Front in the First World War

24 Oct 2013

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447 visits

Oxford A to Z

M is for… MEGA BOOTS N is for… NICE HAT O is for … OWESOME JEANS OR……………..................................... M is for… MAGNA CARTA One of four early engrossments of Magna Carta owned by the Bodleian Library. Issued in the name of the boy king Henry III in 1217 N is for… NASSAU HOURS Book of Hours made for Engelbert of Nassau. Flemish illumination by The Master of Mary of Burgundy. c.1470-1490 O is for … OWEN Photograph of the poet Wilfred Owen, who died in action on the Western Front in the First World War

03 Jul 2014

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Oxford A to Z

E is for… EUCLID Euclid’s Elements of geometry, a standard mathematical textbook for over 2,000 years. Greek text and diagrams from one of its oldest surviving manuscripts AD 888 F is for… FIRST FOLIO SHAKESPEARE The first collected edition of William Shakespeare’s plays, published in 1623, seven years after his death G is for… GUTENBERG BIBLE The Latin Bible produced by Johannes Gutenberg and Johann Furst, c. 1455. The first book printed with moveable type H is for… HOOKE View of a flea from Robert Hooke’s Micrographia, 1665. The first work in English to publish observations made under the microscope.

04 Aug 2014

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553 visits

Oxford A to Z

~ Explored! ~ Thank you very much :-))) M is for … MAGNA CARTA One of four early engrossments of Magna Carter owned by the Bodleian Library issued in the name of the boy king Henry III in 1217 N is for… NASSAU HOURS Book of Hours made for Engelbert of Nassau. Flemish illumination by The Master of Mary of Burgundy. c.1470-1490 O is for … OWEN Photograph of the poet Wilfred Owen, who died in action on the Western Front in the First World War

29 Jul 2014

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Added to Soundtrack to Life www.ipernity.com/group/362993 It may quickly become obvious that I am struggling with my first entry to this weekend's 'Soundtrack Weekend' and have reached desperation stakes!! In a panic I have come up with a 'JAMI' link :-) Jami is singing 'Problematicna' and it has been a 'problem' for me :-) .......................hope ' Problematicna' doesn't have any sort of double meaning :-( I am led to believe that Jasna Milenković....... Jami (this nickname is made up from the first syllabuses of her name and surname) is a Serbian pop/folk singer. Watch/Listen here - www.youtube.com/watch?v=frUQk5HTtrQ **********ALTERNATIVELY********** J is for ... JAMI 'The vain dervish rebuked'. Mughal court painting dated 1595 by the artist Basawan, illustrating a scene from the Baharistan ('Garden of Spring') by the Persian writer and mystic, Jami K is for ... KAFKA Page from Franz Kafka's notebook containing the opening of his story Die Verwandlung ('The Metamorphosis') 1912

17 Jul 2014

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"Walk the Line Revisited"

Added to 'Soundtrack to Life' www.ipernity.com/group/362993 I have had in mind to use this piece of music but didn't think I would ever have a photo with somebody walking on a line or double yellow lines come to that :-)) It would have been obvious to use a Johnny Cash link but I do like this track by Rodney Crowell. And, Johnny Cash features in the video so that is okay :-)) I have most of Rodney's music including a couple of Vinyl LP's I recently picked up in a charity shop in High Wycombe :-) Of course there is another link here because Rodney was married to Rosanne Cash, Johnny's daughter from a previous marriage to Vivian Liberto Cash Distin. www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjbqMy3g46E And, not forgetting :-) S is for… MARY SHELLEY Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein. A miniature portrait made after her death by Reginald Easton T is for… TOLKIEN ‘Conversation with Smaug’ one of several watercolours painted by J. R. R. Tolkien to illustrate The Hobbit, 1936 U is for… URASHIMA Part of a Japanese scroll narrating the fairy tale of the fisherman Urashima, Keicho Period (1596-1615)

04 Aug 2014

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Cycling in Oxford

~ Explored! ~ Thank you very much :-))) Cycling in Broad Street

29 Jul 2014

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445 visits

"Time for the Leaving"

Added to Soundtrack to Life I don't know the young lady in my shot but she was leaving Broad Street in Oxford so I figure this links to “Time for the Leaving” by Magna Carta :-) I have a sort of 'claim to fame' re Magna Carta. I guess it would have been in the early 70's when we went to see Magna Carta live in concert; in Bletchley I seem to remember :-) Anyway, they walked through the audience on the way to the stage and either Chris Simpson or Glen Stuart trod on my toe :-) I had also forgotten how tasty the guitar playing is on this track :-) Please listen here - www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX8cSh9O330
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