Macro Mondays 2.0

Macro Mondays

29 Sep 2019

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Macro Mondays 2.0

Explored! Thank you very much :-) MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 PHOTOGRAPH FASTENINGS FOR GARMENTS I am now a member of Macro Mondays 2.0 and thank you so very much to Jan & Katja for the invitation, getting me set-up and for the very warm welcome :-) Very much appreciated :-) Initially I didn't know what subject to choose but it then hit me that I was wearing a fleece that had a zip :-)) I'm not sure were the bits of colour have come from in my photo because the zip is all silver :-) But, I guess it must be from the lighting which was a couple of indoor lights :-) And, for 'Sight and Sound' a pretty tenuous link follows :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah - Song of the South (1946) ~ James Baskett as Uncle Remus

02 Oct 2019

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Macro Mondays 2.0 (7 Oct 2019)

MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 7 OCTOBER 2019 USE SPOONS BUT MAKE THE IMAGE ABSTRACT. YOU MAY WANT TO PLAY WITH SHAPES, BACKGROUNDS AND LIGHTING OR REFLECTIONS TO GIVE YOUR IMAGE SOMETHING DIFFERENT. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THREE OR MORE SPOONS IN THE IMAGE I started with metal teaspoons but I was getting 'orrible reflections and burnt out bits. I was getting disheartened. Then, I searched the internet to see if coloured plastic spoons were available in the hope that reflections wouldn't be so much of a problem. I found that 'Boots the Chemist' sold coloured spoons for babies :-) Helen very kindly bought me some from Boots and I tried again :-) After taking this shot, using ordinary indoor lighting, I thought I should mess around with the Twirl filter in 'Affinity Photo'. And, I toned down the background a little. I'm not sure what I am now going to do with the babies' spoons :-))) Now, for 'Sight and Sound' ~ This is going to be pretty tenuous but, the only 'Spoon' link that immediately came to mind is "Spoon River" by Steve Goodman. And, that is okay because it is one of my fave tracks :-) Steve wrote most of his own songs but he did, occasionally, record songs by others. "Spoon River" was written by Michael Smith. Love the line "Come to the dance Mary Perkins I like you right well" :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Spoon River ~ Steve Goodman ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Or, listen here ~ Spoon River ~ Steve Goodman As one YouTube comment says, "Steve, you will never be forgotten"

07 Oct 2019

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Macro Mondays 2.0 (14 Oct 2019)

Explored! Thank you very much :-) MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 14 OCTOBER 2019 CONNECTIONS This key and holder are clearly connected :-) But, I am a bit puzzled as to where you would put the holder. I was thinking the holder would go an a belt but it doesn't look the right shape to me :-) This has been in a drawer for quite a few years. It is fortunate that I kept the key and holder because it has come in very handy for this week's Macro Mondays Topic :-) And, for the 'Sight and Sound' Group I think "The Key" by The Four Tops is a logical link :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ The Key ~ The Four Tops Please view on black :-)

23 Oct 2019

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Macro Mondays 2.0 (28 Oct 2019)

MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 TOPIC 124: BOTTLE NECK/BOTTLE NECKS It wasn't too difficult to find some bottles 'cos we do have a glass of wine with a meal. Well, okay, with most meals :-) And, using the draining board as a backdrop.......again :-) Also, for 'Sight and Sound' I have chosen one of my faves. That is "Two More Bottles of Wine" by Emmylou Harris. The song was written by Delbert McClinton and features on Emmylou's 1978 album "Quarter Moon in a Ten Cent Town". Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Two More Bottles of Wine ~ Emmylou Harris

29 Oct 2019

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Macro Mondays 2.0 (4 Nov 2019)

Explored! Thank you very much :-) MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 TOPIC 125: TAKE A MACRO WHICH IS MULTICOLOURED. IT CAN BE ONE ITEM WITH MANY COLOURS OR SEVERAL ITEMS OF DIFFERENT COLOURS Recently, in a shop, I saw a blackboard that included a very nice painted scene. I thought "I must have this!" It is now on the wall next to my computer. The blackboard is quite small but when I want to make a note of something I find it useful to use the blackboard rather than write scrappy notes on scrappy bits of paper that just clutter up the place :-) The blackboard came with one piece of white chalk! Then, in another shop I saw a packet of coloured chalks and I thought "I've got to have these as well" :-) When Topic 125 came up I thought "Coloured chalks will be my subject" :-) Now, for 'Sight and Sound' I didn't think I would find any songs about Chalk :-) But, I found "Soft as Chalk" by Joanna Newsom. The name is a completely new to me and, initially, I wasn't too sure about the song. But, after listening a few times I'm getting to like it :-) I also found, on YouTube, an interview with Joanna. She is a uniquely talented lady and has a totally delightful manner :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Soft As Chalk ~ Joanna Newsom

05 Nov 2019

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Macro Mondays 2.0 (11 Nov 2019)

Explored! Thank you very much :-) MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 TOPIC 126: THICK / THIN 'Mecklenburg-Foto' used batteries in the last Topic and it gave me the idea to use batteries for this week's Topic because I figured I must have some thick and thin batteries in the drawer :-) Thank you to Mecklenburg-Foto :-) I promise to use a different background at some point in the future :-) Honest :-)) Now, for 'Sight and Sound' ~ I don't know much about Golden Earring but they recorded "Chargin' Up My Batteries" and this is my 'Sight and Sound' choice :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Chargin' Up My Batteries ~ Golden Earring ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Or, here ~ Chargin' Up My Batteries ~ Golden Earring

17 Nov 2019

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Macro Mondays 2.0 (18 Nov 2019)

MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 TOPIC 127: TAKE A MACRO PHOTOGRAPH OF SOMETHING WITH LIGHT SHINING THROUGH IT I decided to try some shots of Autumn leaves. I went out with my camera but couldn't find any suitable leaves on the trees. But, there looked to be some possible ones on the ground. I collected a few and went back home. The sun was starting to go down but there was still some sunlight coming through the bedroom window. I tried to suspend this leaf in front of the window but it kept moving about!! I then hit upon the idea of taping it to the window so that it didn't move!! I did wonder what the neighbours might be thinking :-) I've just noticed that the EXIF info is missing but I guess that's because I fiddled about with the photo in Photoshop to add a drop shadow border :-) I think I have found the info - 1/200 ~ f/7.1 ~ 6.0 mm ~ ISO 80 ~ Nikon Coolpix P7800 And, for 'Sight and Sound' I am using a track that has been used quite a few times in the Group. That is the wonderful and perfect version of "Autumn Leaves" by Eva Cassidy. Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Autumn Leaves ~ Eva Cassidy

22 Nov 2019

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Macro Mondays 2.0 (25 Nov 2019)

Explored! Thank you very much :-) MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 TOPIC 128: OIL ON WATER I spent a long time getting nowhere and was about to give up :-) But, I did eventually get one shot (this one) that I thought wasn't too bad although I was still a bit disappointed. I wondered if there was a way of smoothing the result and I tried the 'Dream Smoothing' filter in GIMP Photo Software and also added a 'Mirror' effect. I think I like this result a lot better :-) Now for 'Sight and Sound' ~ As I used a 'Mirror Effect' filter I have chosen "MIrror Image" by Rosanne Cash :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music This is from Rosanne's 1990 album "Interiors". One of my fave albums :-) ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Mirror Image ~ Rosanne Cash

02 Dec 2019

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Macro Mondays 2.0 (2 Dec 2019)

Explored! Thank you very much :-) MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 TOPIC 129: SOMETHING THAT HAS BEEN GRATED OR SHAVED I found this week's Topic really, really difficult! I don't have a lot of staying power and I was going to admit defeat. But, then I realised that Helen would be very cross with me if I gave up. This is because I sent Helen out (I asked nicely) to get some carrots and a hand grater for me! This entry is the best I could do :-) And, for 'Sight and Sound' ~ A carrot is a root vegetable and I have, therefore, chosen "Vegetables" by The Beach Boys :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Vegetables ~ The Beach Boys
16 items in total