Bee Nee's photos
21 Jun 2013
1 favorite
Raspberries with Cream
Himbeeren mit Sahne
A gift from another neighbour. Her peonies were 'flattened' by the heavy rain - and now they are in our vase. I haven't seen such big ones before - they have the size of a small plate (c. 17 cm diam.), and the scent is lovely. So some more flowers, I'm afraid... ;)
16 Jun 2013
1 favorite
Woodland Strawberry ?
No idea if these are woodland strawberries; probably not as they don't have a very intensive taste. - But they are a nice motif nevertheless. :)
20 Jun 2013
3 favorites
With VERY Big Ears...
Pandarine is right - on the thumbnail it looks like a small elephant from behind - with large ears and a tail... ;)
19 Jun 2013
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1 comment
Looks Like Daytime...
... but it was about 23.30 in the evening. Almost no actual flash visible but the flashlights followed one another within fractions of seconds. - More of this expected for tonight... (Hopefully not more flooded basements! - The fire brigade had about 200 call-outs last night).
20 Jun 2013
4 favorites
Flower with (Hair)Style ;)
Wasn't there someone whose mum liked gerberas? :)
06 Nov 2011
8 favorites
I Norge er de svart-hvit...
In Norway they are black and white ... and match the sunset.