

Folder: Fairyland
Fairyland RealFee Soso

20 Aug 2018

129 visits


Jippo: "Now you'll see the incredible trick of a tiger jumping through a hoop!" Tiggy: "I'll jump only if I get a dozen donuts!" Jippo is always doing tricks to make people smile. Domos are not always cooperative unless bribed, though. (Photo a Day, August 20: Smile)

23 Aug 2018

190 visits

More tricks

Jippo: "All right, whoever jumps through the hoop gets a dozen donuts." Icy: "I'm ready!" Jippo: "Hey, no flying! That's cheating!" (Photo a Day, August 23: Brightly colored)

24 Nov 2018

266 visits

Training rats

Jippo heard of the Pied Piper of Hamelin and is trying to use a birch bark horn to persuade the rats to jump through the hoop. The rats do not seem to be interested, though...