Follow the leader


Folder: Lati Yellow
Lati Yellow Snow Soldier elf Pero

23 Jul 2018

126 visits

Follow the leader

(Photo a Day, July 23: Imitation)

01 Aug 2018

201 visits

Tiger hunter

Ymir: "What are you doing?" Baron von Munchy: "I'm hunting tigers. Look, I already tranquilized two!" Brimir: "But those are just toy tigers..." Ymir: "And the third is not a tiger, only a Domo with tiger stripes." Baron von Munchy: "Whatever!"

12 Aug 2018

144 visits

Upside down

A ladder has other uses than just climbing to the top bunk (Photo a Day, August 12: Upside down)

15 Aug 2018

208 visits

What animal?

Brimir: "What animal is that?" Ymir: "I think it is an eagle..." Brimir: "I think it is a horsie..." Ymir: "Whatever, it looks scary, let's run!" (Photo a Day, August 15: Animal)

26 Aug 2018

169 visits


Ymir: "Are you sure you have the right equipment for robot maintenance?" Brimir: "What? Do we need a bigger hammer?" Borgy: "HALP!" Rusty and Robby are always enjoying taking things apart. But Borgy is not always enjoying their efforts. (Photo a Day, August 26: I enjoy...)

28 Aug 2018

155 visits


Brimir: "What do you see?" Ymir: "Nothing. Domos' brains are so small that they can't be seen even with a large magnifying glass."

14 Sep 2018

192 visits

Making school desks

Brimir: "We are supposed to make one more desk and chair. How do these parts go toether?" Billder: "I think this part should be glued to this one..." Pup: "Can we make something from the leftover pieces?" Tarzan: "How about a climbing tree for my cousins?" Ymir: "Look! The desks open! I can put stuff inside."

23 Sep 2018

252 visits


Pup is busy drawing pictures on the blackboard. Ymir and Brimir are busy tossing crumpled paper balls into the waste basket (their aim does not appear to be very good). Tarzan has found that one of his cousins has sneaked to the class with him. It is rather obvious that there is no teacher in the class.