
Lati Yellow

Folder: Lati Yellow


18 Jul 2018 144
Hansel has met the dragon boy Thuban and his baby brother. (Photo a Day, July 18: Young)

Hansel is a strongman

19 Jul 2018 135
Hansel: "Look how strong I am. I can lift an elephant!" Tarzan: "But I bet you could not lift THIS elephant!" (Photo a Day, July :19 Something heavy)

Follow the leader

23 Jul 2018 126
(Photo a Day, July 23: Imitation)

Tiger hunter

01 Aug 2018 201
Ymir: "What are you doing?" Baron von Munchy: "I'm hunting tigers. Look, I already tranquilized two!" Brimir: "But those are just toy tigers..." Ymir: "And the third is not a tiger, only a Domo with tiger stripes." Baron von Munchy: "Whatever!"


04 Aug 2018 185
Baron von Munchy: "Give back my boots!" Spark: "Don't disturb my throw!" Pyry: "You'll get your boots back after our boot throwing contest is over." (Photo a Day, August 4: Sport)


05 Aug 2018 1 142
Fomalhaut wanted to take his frog friends to the swamp for a swim but it has been so hot and dry that the swamp had dried almost completely. Though it still was damp and muddy, there was no free water for the frogs. Fortunately it rained last night so there was a shallow puddle on the road and the frogs could have some fun in the water. (Photo a Day, August 5: In the water)

Cool forest

06 Aug 2018 180
Today the weather was a bit cooler so Ygg and Jeero could enjoy a walk in the forest without feeling they are melting. (Photo a Day, August 6: Enjoy)

Party crashers

08 Aug 2018 161
Lumi and Pup were setting up a nice tea party for Teddy and Bunny but Tarzan's cousins came and made a mess of it. Monkeys have no manners! (Photo a Day, August 8: On my table)


09 Aug 2018 147
Nid: "Why do you have an acorn cup on your head?" Babo: "Ssssh! Its a satellite antenna. I'm watching the cookie channel." Baron von Munchy & Paisley: "We want to watch the cookie channel, too!" (Photo a Day, August 9: Purple)


10 Aug 2018 139
Eggie's dress is trimmed with tiny beads and heart-shaped buttons (Photo a Day, August 10: Heart-shaped)

Upside down

12 Aug 2018 144
A ladder has other uses than just climbing to the top bunk (Photo a Day, August 12: Upside down)


13 Aug 2018 144
Poseidon has special all-blue eyes that can see under water. (Photo a Day, August 13: Eyes)

Ride a cock-horse to Banbury cross...

14 Aug 2018 145
If you have imagination, you can travel to faraway lands on a rocking horse. (Photo a Day, August 14: Travel)

What animal?

15 Aug 2018 208
Brimir: "What animal is that?" Ymir: "I think it is an eagle..." Brimir: "I think it is a horsie..." Ymir: "Whatever, it looks scary, let's run!" (Photo a Day, August 15: Animal)

A view

16 Aug 2018 145
Deimos on my balcony. (It's easier to take a picture from the balcony than through a window) (Photo a Day, August 16: Out of my window)


18 Aug 2018 203
Spooky & Airy: "GIDDYUP!" Kuura: "Are you sure the hippogriff does not eat domos?" Airy: "NOOOO! HALP!" (Photo a Day, August 18: White on white)


21 Aug 2018 151
Tarzan loves wild animals (Photo a Day, August 21: Wild)


22 Aug 2018 151
Four boys in a hammock (Ratatosk, Fenris, Bubo and Peter Pan). (Photo a Day, August 22: Four)

49 items in total