1-10 Project: 1 Morning Glory Blossom

1-10 Project

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1 + 1 = 2, and away we go!

16 Jul 2014

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1-10 Project: 1 Morning Glory Blossom

I am starting a new project, suggested by my dear friend Chrissy, and I would like to invite anyone who is interested to join in the fun! (A big welcome to Valfal (Valerie) who will be joining us! (By the way, you can join any time and catch up if I'm on the next number) I only post about once a week these days, so it won't be stressful to keep up with me! Naturally, you can post all the pictures you want inbetween project pictures, but please wait for me to post the next in the series before you post yours. I will try to post my project picture every Monday morning. Anything goes for your subject(s) unless you choose to restrict yourself to something specific. That can be a fun challenge and you might choose to take pictures of a certain type of subject or a specific color, etc. The point is to have fun! :) Let me know in a comment that you're joining in on the fun and I'll add you to the list of people doing this project with a link so folks can see what you've come up with! :) My first picture was really hard to pick, since you may know how often I choose to highlight one subject! But I finally decided on this glowing Morning Glory, which is growing in my wildflower section. So many flowers! It's just incredible how much these vines grow, and all over the place too! They are really amazing flowers and I've really been looking forward to them. I have a whole area devoted to them, and there will be several colors as they begin to bloom. Explored on July 29, 2014. Highest placement, #1.

19 Jul 2014

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1-10 Project: 2 Pumpkin Flowers

If you would like to see how my pumpkin patch is doing, here's my latest blog! Part 11: Dreams of a Big Flower Garden: Pumpkin Patch Update! I meant to post my picture yesterday but my internet was out all weekend and we didn't get service back until yesterday morning. By the time we had internet again I was full to the gills with other things I needed to do, so I decided to post my picture today! There are four others doing this project with me, and if you'd like to jump in, we'd love to have you! You can catch up when you can! :) 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Explored on August 6, 2014. Highest placement, #5.

12 Jul 2014

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1-10 project: 3 Bees in a Poppy

This picture shows a bit of the chaos which happened every single morning during the entire month of July. The garden hummed with bees, they were everywhere! I never saw so many at once! They are still visiting every day, but there aren't as many flowers now that the poppies have peaked. What a show it's been! There are four others doing this project with me, and if you'd like to jump in, we'd love to have you! You can catch up when you can! :) 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Explored on August 12, 2014. Highest placement, #3.

29 Jun 2014

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1-10 Project: 4 Pink Poppy Petals

This is what I consider a very special image. I remember walking into my front garden and seeing a pink glow down near the ground as the sun was just rising over the hillside. I dropped down into a crouch to stare in rapt amazement at this beautiful little poppy, appreciating the wonderful show it was putting on. The four pink translucent petals overlapped one another and created four darker spots in the shape of an X...how cool is that? I ran inside and returned with my camera so that I could attempt to capture this moment, hoping it would be as pretty as what I saw. Often those special moments cannot be reproduced, that special something just eluding the camera. But today I got lucky and can show you this breathtaking scene. There are five others doing this project with me, and if you'd like to jump in, we'd love to have you! You can catch up when you can! :) 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Lynne Explored on August 19, 2014. Highest placement, #2.

28 May 2013

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1-10 Project: 5 Blue Petals in a Sea of Green

Last June, Steve and I got the opportunity to take pictures of a friend's garden, and I spent a couple of hours immersed in an immaculately landscaped slice of heaven. This tiny beauty is called a Forget-Me-Not, a popular garden flower which is also used as a symbol for Remembrance Day by some Newfoundlanders, and as a symbol by Freemasons to not forget those who have died. There are five others doing this project with me, and if you'd like to jump in, we'd love to have you! You can catch up when you can! :) 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Lynne Explored on August 25, 2014. Highest placement, #1.

19 Jun 2014

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1 934 visits

1-10 Project: 6 Bell Pepper Seeds

Six is such a fun number! There are countless flowers with six petals, over a million insect species, and endless groupings of six. But I wanted something different, so I looked in my archives and remembered some pictures I took of a bell pepper. It turns out that my favorite image featured six bell pepper seeds! You can see why I remembered this picture: did you know that these seeds have a lovely texture which resembles a fingerprint?! I had no idea they were so pretty and interesting to look at! There are five others doing this project with me, and if you'd like to jump in, we'd love to have you! You can catch up when you can! :) 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Lynne Explored on September 3, 2014. Highest placement, #6.

02 Dec 2013

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2 135 visits

1-10 Project: 7 Orange Jelly Fungus Fingers (+3 insets)

(+3 insets above) What fun to have an excuse to post this picture! Last year I found a log with many formations of jelly fungus, but this one was my favorite because it looked like a bunch of orange fingers! There are many species of jelly fungus, and many of them appear to have the consistency of jelly, though they are usually quite rubbery to the touch. They sometimes have a slick coating of moisture on them as well. (I have included three more pictures as insets above) If you would like to know more about this fascinating fungus, you can visit this Wiki page: Wikipedia: Jelly Fungus There are five others doing this project with me, and if you'd like to jump in, we'd love to have you! You can catch up when you can! :) 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Lynne Explored on September 10, 2014. Highest placement, #9.

08 Sep 2012

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2 067 visits

1-10 Project: 8 Legs = Spider!

I'd forgotten all about this picture until I was looking through my images to see what I could use for my 1-10 Project. This beauty is a Cat-Faced Orbweaver, just like Roscoe Frank McCrawlerson, the spider that stayed in our porch doorway. This one I found on our back porch one evening, crawling on a piece of plastic. There are five others doing this project with me! Make sure to check out their streams and see what they've been doing with their 1-10 Project! 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Lynne Explored on September 15, 2014. Highest placement, #3.

22 Sep 2014

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2 259 visits

1-10 Project: 9 Poppy Pods

Aren't poppy pods wonderful to look at? I think they look like little people, and this is just a tiny group of them! I wouldn't be surprised if over 1,000 poppy flowers bloomed in my raised-bed garden this summer. It was an incredible show which was in full explosion through the month of July, and has dwindled to a few here and there now that we are heading to October. I haven't cut down all of the poppy seed pods yet, partly because I enjoy staring at them. The number of pods is just staggering and I'm amazed at the huge amount of seed I've collected from the tiny fraction of all the pods out there. I am interested to find out how much seed I'll get when all is said and done! There are five others doing this project with me! Make sure to check out their streams and see what they've been doing with their 1-10 Project! 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Lynne Explored on September 23, 2014. Highest placement: #2.
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