Bigfoot Tree with Elder

Tree People

These are images of trees I've photographed which resemble or remind me of people.

28 Jun 2011

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267 visits

Bigfoot Tree with Elder

Do you see Bigfoot looking down at you? Now we know where he hides! He turns into a tree! *waves to Sasquatch* Photographed on the Rogue Gorge Trail, near Union Creek, Southern Oregon

28 Jun 2011

1 favorite

243 visits

Dappled Leaves with Ponderosa Pine Tree

Photographed on the Rogue Gorge Trail, near Union Creek, Southern Oregon

28 Jun 2011

14 favorites


285 visits

10-Week Picture Projects: Trees-Evergreens: Father Tree & Old Soul

Another older picture, I remember everything about this day. Very special trees here, massive, strong energy from all of them! Winner of FlickrDuel contest: +10 Wins: Nature Photographed on the Rogue Gorge Trail, near Union Creek, Southern Oregon

28 Jun 2011

1 favorite

219 visits

Parking Lot Pine Tree Elder

Photographed on the Rogue Gorge Trail, near Union Creek, Southern Oregon

28 Jun 2011

265 visits

Magic Man with Old Souls Looking On

Photographed on the Rogue Gorge Trail, near Union Creek, Southern Oregon

28 Jun 2011

1 favorite

242 visits

Old Souls with Magic Man

Photographed on the Rogue Gorge Trail, near Union Creek, Southern Oregon

28 Jun 2011

1 favorite

214 visits

Magic Man and Old Souls

Photographed on the Rogue Gorge Trail, near Union Creek, Southern Oregon

28 Jun 2011

2 favorites

1 comment

268 visits

The Old Souls

Winner of FlickrDuel contest: +10 Wins: Flora Photographed on the Rogue Gorge Trail, near Union Creek, Southern Oregon

09 Jul 2011

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1 comment

227 visits

Creepy Tree

This image was taken on our aborted July 2, 2011 hike to Stuart Falls by way of the Red Blanket Trail in the Sky Lakes Wilderness area of Southern Oregon.
10 items in total