Boulders with Trees

Wildflower Hike up Mt. Ashland

Folder: Hikes

Boulders with Trees

31 Jul 2011 133
This image was taken during the MeetUp hike we went on at Mt. Ashland in Southern Oregon on July 30, 2011


31 Jul 2011 159
This image was taken during the MeetUp hike we went on at Mt. Ashland in Southern Oregon on July 30, 2011

Peak and Boulder

31 Jul 2011 118
This image was taken during the MeetUp hike we went on at Mt. Ashland in Southern Oregon on July 30, 2011

Indian Paintbrush

31 Jul 2011 139
This image was taken during the MeetUp hike we went on at Mt. Ashland in Southern Oregon on July 30, 2011

Looking up Mt. Ashland at Trailhead

31 Jul 2011 130
This image was taken during the MeetUp hike we went on at Mt. Ashland in Southern Oregon on July 30, 2011

Corn Lily Detail

01 Aug 2011 152
This picture was taken during the MeetUp hike to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Vista with Pilot Rock and Boulders

01 Aug 2011 1 124
This picture was taken during the MeetUp hike to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Tiny Lavender Blossoms

01 Aug 2011 142
This picture was taken during the MeetUp hike to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Vista with Trees

01 Aug 2011 137
This picture was taken during the MeetUp hike to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Field of White

01 Aug 2011 139
This picture was taken during the MeetUp hike to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

White Flower Detail

01 Aug 2011 134
This image was taken during the wildflower hike we went on with MeetUp to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Vista with Pilot Rock and Observatory

01 Aug 2011 149
This image was taken during the wildflower hike we went on with MeetUp to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Aster with Tiny Bug

01 Aug 2011 171
This image was taken during the wildflower hike we went on with MeetUp to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Tiny Purple Flowers

01 Aug 2011 143
This image was taken during the wildflower hike we went on with MeetUp to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Lupines in a Meadow

01 Aug 2011 148
This image was taken during the wildflower hike we went on with MeetUp to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Three Elders

02 Aug 2011 147
This image was taken during the Wildflower MeetUp hike to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Aster Bud

02 Aug 2011 160
This image was taken during the Wildflower MeetUp hike to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

Tiny Yellow Blossom

02 Aug 2011 132
This image was taken during the Wildflower MeetUp hike to Mt. Ashland on July 30, 2011

48 items in total