Flower Fluff

Hike to Rear of Mt. Ashland

Folder: Hikes

07 Sep 2011

1 favorite

163 visits

Flower Fluff

This image was taken during the MeetUp hike to the rear of Mt. Ashland on September 3, 2011.

07 Sep 2011

162 visits

Jackrabbit in the Road

We saw this hare on the road on the way home from the MeetUp hike to the rear of Mt. Ashland on September 3, 2011.

07 Sep 2011

145 visits

Silver Stump

This image was taken during the MeetUp hike to the rear of Mt. Ashland on September 3, 2011.

10 Sep 2011

248 visits

Red and Green Lichen

This image was taken during the MeetUp hike to the rear of Mt. Ashland on September 3, 2011.

10 Sep 2011

175 visits

Mt. Ashland Forest and Meadow

This image was taken during the MeetUp hike to the rear of Mt. Ashland on September 3, 2011.

10 Sep 2011

147 visits

Blooming Bear Grass

This image was taken during the MeetUp hike to the rear of Mt. Ashland on September 3, 2011.

10 Sep 2011

210 visits

Bee on Aster

This image was taken during the MeetUp hike to the rear of Mt. Ashland on September 3, 2011.

10 Sep 2011

205 visits

Tree Leaning over Vista

Thanks to everyone for your comments and favorites! I am doing my best to return the favor! So many amazing photographers out there, I am awed and inspired by you all. This image was taken during the MeetUp hike to the rear of Mt. Ashland on September 3, 2011.