Dinosaur Palm Tree

San Francisco: Golden Gate Park

My friend Laura and I walked from the Conservatory of Flowers through part of Golden Gate Park and took zillions of pictures as we went...enjoy! (this should fill up in the following days)

Dinosaur Palm Tree

03 Oct 2011 197
This is my very favorite kind of fern...I call them "Dinosaur Palm Trees" because well...they're that old! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Dinosaur Palm in Silhouette

05 Oct 2011 283
This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Lacy Fern Fronds

05 Oct 2011 1 150
This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Ivy Climbing Trees

05 Oct 2011 162
I never get tired of seeing plants that climb up on others, do you? So reminiscent of tropical jungles! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Dandilion Fluff

05 Oct 2011 209
Winner of FlickrDuel contest: +10 Wins: Flora This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Fallen Leaves

05 Oct 2011 148
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my San Francisco trip images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [118 in the past couple of weeks]. Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) Walking down a path through Golden Gate Park, my friend Laura and I had a wonderful time taking pictures as we went. These leaves were piled below a tree next to the path and I was taken by their beauty. By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Pair of Dandilions

07 Oct 2011 167
This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Spreckles Temple of Music Angel

07 Oct 2011 129
Detail of the beautiful bandshell adorned with an angel. . (BTW, the tiny squares you see covering the angel is mesh to keep the pigeons from fouling up the artwork.) This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Spreckles Temple of Music with Lens Flare

07 Oct 2011 204
Just across the street from the De Young Museum is the Golden Gate Park Bandshell, officially known as the Spreckles Temple of Music. This place is very special to me, because it's where I've gotten to see Comedy Day in the Park back when it started. Over the course of several years, I got to see Robin Williams, Dave Chappel, Whoopi Goldberg, Bobcat Goldthwait, and many other amazing comedians perform. It was totally awesome and great fun, and I was there for the first show!!! YAY!!! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

De Young Museum Wall Texture Abstract

07 Oct 2011 208
The outer wall of the De Young Museum was covered with a variety of extremely cool textures! I could have spent hours fooling around here taking pictures of just the walls! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011. The entrance to the De Young Museum leads you through a corridor which is lined with glass-covered, textured walls that were really interesting with beautiful colors and reflections.

Photagraphy is Fun!

07 Oct 2011 199
Laura had a good time taking pictures of the stones placed around the courtyard outside the entrance to the De Young Museum. I was happy that she was so focused because I was able to take some cute pictures of her! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Pink Blossom

07 Oct 2011 149
One of the countless lovely flowers on our walk through the park. This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

De Young Museum Wall Reflection

07 Oct 2011 1 187
This is a reflection of the wall showing some of the corridor. I had a lot of fun playing around with angles here! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Leaf Texture

07 Oct 2011 170
I found this leaf along the path Laura and I were walking on and loved the contrasts of colors and deep veining and texture. This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

De Young Museum Wall Texture with Reflection

07 Oct 2011 1 1 224
The entrance to the De Young Museum leads you through a corridor which is lined with glass-covered, textured walls that were really interesting with beautiful colors and reflections. This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

De Young Museum Architecture

07 Oct 2011 2 245
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my San Francisco trip images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [128 in the past couple of weeks]. Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) In the time that I'd moved away from San Francisco, the remodeling of the De Young Museum had been completed, and Laura told me that it was well worth the visit for its architectural beauty. She was right!! I took lots of pictures and was extremely impressed by this building's design! By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Naughty Tree Bends Over...

09 Oct 2011 144
I have a dear friend on Flickr (Donald Tedrow), who took a hilarious picture of a naughty tree. I found this while walking through Golden Gate Park and couldn't resist! Such a naughty, naughty tree! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Sutro Tower Through the Fog

09 Oct 2011 140
This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

76 items in total