Factory with Steam and Sparkling Lights

Factory Night Shots

11 Nov 2011

257 visits

Factory with Steam and Sparkling Lights

Best viewed large against black! This image was taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2100.

11 Nov 2011

232 visits

Stack with Billowing Steam

Steve and I are part of a photography club here in southern Oregon and I suggested that we go out after the meeting and take pictures of factories at night. For five years, we've seen these amazing steaming stacks billowing into the night sky--they are even barely visible from our property. Since we've become avid photographers, it's been on my mind to take pictures of these factories but we live out in the countryside and are only rarely in Medford when it's dark. FINALLY, we've gotten our chance!! I'm really busy so I've only processed two images for today, but if you would like to see more, please visit Steve's photostream! He'd love the visits and any comments you would like to leave: www.flickr.com/photos/steves-visions Thanks to all of you who have left comments and fav'ed my images! I appreciate them all! If you leave a comment, I try very hard to return the favor on the same day. I consider it both a compliment that you've taken the time to tell me what you think about my image(s) and an invitation for me to come see your photography as well!

12 Nov 2011

195 visits

Geese in a Midnight Huddle

This is a long-exposure close-up of the geese in the pond in front of the factory. There were many of them swimming around separately, but this bunch was very active, swimming around in a circle, huddled together. We think they were probably trying to keep warm on this cold night. This image was taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2100.

12 Nov 2011

197 visits

Stacks in the Distance with Cars Driving By

Off in the far distance I saw some other factories with steam coming from their stacks...the road that led towards it had cars going back and forth and I got a really neat sparkling white line of headlights and red tail lights too! :D This image was taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2100.

12 Nov 2011

1 favorite

221 visits

Crane in Front of the Factory

A big thanks to my husband for noticing this crane as we were walking back to the car. We promptly turned around and took some more pictures!! Woot!! This image was taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2100.

12 Nov 2011

205 visits

City View and Train at Night

While Steve and I were taking long-exposure shots of the factories with billowing steam stacks, I noticed how lovely the city lights were, so I turned my camera to take this shot. In the foreground are train tracks with a train on it. As we were taking pictures, this train was actively moving back and forth, picking up and dropping off cargo containers! :D This image was taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2100.

12 Nov 2011

237 visits

Factory, Pond and Train at Night

I've had enough time to process the rest of my pictures from our night shoot last evening! There are 5 images here, I hope you like them! :) (I posted 2 yesterday) There were factories with billowing steam on both sides of this road. This side of the road also had a large pond that was full of Canadian Geese in it! Do you see the odd circle at the lower left? That's a cluster of geese that were swimming around in a circle! We believe they were trying to stay warm on this freezing-cold night! Thanks to all of you who have left comments and fav'ed my images! I appreciate them all! If you leave a comment, I try very hard to return the favor on the same day. I consider it both a compliment that you've taken the time to tell me what you think about my image(s) and an invitation for me to come see your photography as well! By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2100.