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Pictures for Pam, Day 166: Bufflehead Male
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Camera: SONY DSC-RX10M4
Exposure:0.0004 sec. (1/2500)
Focal Length:220.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 600.0 mm)
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Aperture-priority AE
Max Aperture:4.0
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:1537 x 1024 pixels
Original Date:2019:04:24 13:07:35
Created on:2019:04:24 13:07:35
Modified on:2019-04-24T19:10:55+17:00
Software:Adobe DNG Converter 11.2.1 (Windows)
Brightness Value10.48203125
Circle Of Confusion0.011 mm
Date/Time Created2019:04:24 13:07:35+00:00
Derived From Document IDxmp.did:0940c507-a444-3c46-897 4-1519352a9145
Derived From Instance IDxmp.iid:41934033FF66E911AAC6CA 64D6416416
Derived From Original Document IDAF27D83B295108435ADA76A39D2927 E2
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Distortion Correction Already AppliedTrue
Document Ancestorsxmp.did:0940c507-a444-3c46-897 4-1519352a9145, xmp.did:1EFCE0725B3F11E998ECF9 5B1F697F39, xmp.did:F71F1A643C5BE911926998 028B5FB69C
Exif Version0220
Exposure Compensation-1
Exposure ModeAuto
Field Of View3.4 deg
File SourceDigital Camera
Focal Length In 35mm Format600 mm
Focal Plane Resolution Unitcm
Focal Plane X Resolution4145.454559
Focal Plane Y Resolution4145.454559
History Actionderived, saved, derived, saved, saved, converted, derived, saved, saved
History Changed/, /, /, /, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:4420de53-9f31-844a-b2c 7-597f2c919316, xmp.iid:0940c507-a444-3c46-897 4-1519352a9145, xmp.iid:3F934033FF66E911AAC6CA 64D6416416, xmp.iid:40934033FF66E911AAC6CA 64D6416416, xmp.iid:41934033FF66E911AAC6CA 64D6416416
History Parametersconverted from image/x-sony-arw to image/dng, saved to new location, converted from image/dng to image/tiff, from image/tiff to application/vnd.adobe.photosho p, converted from image/tiff to application/vnd.adobe.photosho p
History Software AgentAdobe DNG Converter 11.2.1 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 9.1.1 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
History When2019:04:24 18:51:02-07:00, 2019:04:24 19:00:22-07:00, 2019:04:24 19:09:47-07:00, 2019:04:24 19:09:47-07:00, 2019:04:24 19:10:07-07:00
Hyperfocal Distance1098.31 m
Image Size1537x1024
Lateral Chromatic Aberration Correction Already AppliedTrue
Lens24-600mm F2.4-4.0
Lens Distort Info1019427729/1073741824 47790437/1073741824 10290773/1073741824 -3782231/1073741824
Lens Info8.8-220mm f/2.4-4
Lens Model24-600mm F2.4-4.0
Light SourceUnknown
Light Value15.3
Metadata Date2019:04:24 19:10:55+17:00
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Original Document IDAF27D83B295108435ADA76A39D2927 E2
Resolution Unitinches
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent2.7
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
White BalanceAuto
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.3-c011 66.145661, 2012/02/06-14:56:27