IMG 5605


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IMG 5600

IMG 5605

IMG 5608

Wet winter and wind--

28 May 2017 2 551
This happened a lot this last season--the ground got soaked and softened to the point that the wind pushed trees over, pulling the root crown right out of the ground. I've seen some places where several trees are lying parallel on the ground--no pix, however. By Houseman Camp reservoir, near Eagle Lake, California, off the Champs Flat road. Jack, our black tri Aussie shepherd, is in the pic to the left of the tree.


28 May 2017 2 4 466
Lassen Peak (10,457 ft/3187 m) as seen looking roughly west from Champs Flat, California. This is the southernmost active Cascade volcano, last erupting in 1914. Its snowpack this year is why Pine Creek is still flowing! The mountain is also the centerpiece of the eponymous national park.

IMG 5620

IMG 5621

IMG 5629

IMG 5633

IMG 5634

IMG 5638

IMG 5639


28 May 2017 2 510
Ruins of a barn in Champs Flat, California. According to the USGS 7.5' topo, this was "South Cow Camp." There are still what look to be functioning cattle pens and loading chutes here, but all the buildings have fallen into ruin. I suspect their heyday was in the latter 19th-early 20th century, after the country had been settled but before the automobile, when people still had to stay out for extended periods. Nowadays the ranchers just show up with trucks to load the stock.

IMG 5641

IMG 5642

IMG 5645

IMG 5646

IMG 5649

58 items in total