IMG 0717


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03 Sep 2016

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617 visits

San Miguel River

Colorado. Just upstream from its confluence with the Dolores. Some of the supports for the Hanging Flume ( are visible on the cliff at the left. The shrub in the foreground with small yellow blossoms is (a-CHOO!) rabbitbrush.

03 Sep 2016

44 visits

IMG 0788

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03 Sep 2016

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855 visits

Dolores Canyon

Colorado, south of Paradox Valley. Looking upstream (south). The petroglyphs we were trying to reach are supposed to be below those cliffs in the distance, but we were out of time--and the old Jeep trail did not prove to be practical for bicycles! In fact, it's pretty much washed out thru here, even tho Google still shows it as a "road." The partly bare shrubs along the river, to the left, are tamarisk ( Tamarix spp.), which are showing the effects of the tamarisk beetle, imported to control them!

03 Sep 2016

60 visits

IMG 0698

03 Sep 2016

44 visits

IMG 0699

03 Sep 2016

62 visits

IMG 0700

03 Sep 2016

44 visits

IMG 0703

03 Sep 2016

56 visits

IMG 0707

03 Sep 2016

48 visits

IMG 0708

20 items in total