IMG 5068


Folder: unsorted

IMG 4988

IMG 4989

Stock tank

28 May 2016 2 2 538
Small reservoir for watering stock, off the Greeley Crossing road in extreme northern Nevada. These small watering ponds are commonly called "tanks" in the western US. I've seen it alleged that this is a literal translation of Spanish "tinaja", but it could just be another survival of an older usage. According to the online etymology dictionary, "tank" meant pond originally. Lots of these little ponds dried up in the drought, so it's nice to see it holding water! It just catches the occasional runoff in this usually dry drainage. In fact, it was apparently dry when the satellite view was taken.

Greeley Crossing

28 May 2016 3 2 507
Down in the drainage, where the road crosses the North Fork of the Little Humboldt River, which is emerging from the canyon to the left. In extreme northern Nevada, maybe 20 miles from the Oregon line. As far as I've been able to determine, this was an old stage route, probably from Boise, Idaho to connect to the transcontinental railroad at Winnemucca, Nevada. It's now a graded (not paved!) county road. The white spot just to the right of the canyon mouth is the roof of an abandoned shed. The insert was taken from below the canyon, looking up. There was even running water this early in the season!

IMG 5001

IMG 5002

The Mighty Little Humboldt

28 May 2016 5 5 474
With water and everything! Actually, it's just the North Fork of the Little Humboldt, but that leads to too long a title for an embedded note. Where it emerges from its canyon above Greeley Crossing. Northern Humboldt County, Nevada.

IMG 5004

IMG 5006

IMG 5008

IMG 5009

IMG 5011

IMG 5013

IMG 5014

IMG 5015

IMG 5018

IMG 5028

IMG 5029

91 items in total