IMG 6855 adj

Mining - Hanging Flume, CO

Folder: Mining
Colorado, USA. An extraordinary project, built from 1888-1891, to bring water from the San Miguel River to perched placer deposits on benches above the Dolores River. Much of the last 5 miles or so of the flume is built into the canyon wall itself, with timber supports inserted directly into the cliff face, sometimes a hundred feet in the air. (There's no mention of workplace injuries and fatal…  (read more)

IMG 6775

IMG 6776

IMG 6777

IMG 6780

IMG 6783 adj

IMG 6784 adj

IMG 6785 adj

IMG 6787 adj

IMG 6788 adj

The Hanging Flume

08 Jul 2015 2 2 520
Southwestern Colorado, USA. Telephoto view from an overlook & interpretive site off State Route 141. An extraordinary project, built from 1888-1891, to bring water from the San Miguel River to perched placer deposits on benches above the Dolores River. Much of the last 5 miles or so of the flume is built into the canyon wall itself, as here, with timber supports inserted directly into the cliff face, sometimes a hundred feet in the air. (There's no mention of workplace injuries and fatalities during construction.) And after all that, the placer deposit was uneconomic--the gold was too fine and washed on thru. The company was defunct by the mid 1890s. In the last couple of decades, the flume has been the object of archeological study and is protected as a historic site. And, of course, a generation later they wouldn't have bothered with a flume, because water could have been pumped up directly from the river with gasoline engines. A little activity along that line seems to be happening today, based on some operations I saw on a hike down to the Dolores. The left insert shows a detail of the insertion of some of the supporting timbers into the sandstone; the right shows a short section that was rebuilt in 2012 as part of a "living archeology" study. A number of other views are also in the album.

IMG 6790 adj

IMG 6792 adj

IMG 6793 adj

IMG 6796 adj

IMG 6797 adj

IMG 6799 adj

IMG 6800 adj

IMG 6801 adj

91 items in total