IMG 9854

CA - Saline Valley

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Folder: California
West of Death Valley but now (mostly) also in the national park. Including the road from the turnoff at the Big Pine road all the way south thru Grapevine Canyon. It gives a flavor of the old Death Valley, without the tourists and Park Service infrastructure. On 60+ miles of dirt road I passed one other car (a ranger), and saw two cars parked, at Saline Dunes. Not your usual California experie…  (read more)

IMG 9857 adj

IMG 9858 adj

IMG 9859 adj

IMG 9860 adj

IMG 9861 adj

IMG 9862 adj

IMG 9863 adj

IMG 9864 adj

IMG 9865

Budding barrel cactus

14 May 2015 2 2 418
Presumably the California barrel cactus, Ferocactus cylindraceus . Off the Saline Valley road on the way into the valley from the north.

IMG 9867

IMG 9868 adj

IMG 9869 adj

IMG 9870 adj

IMG 9871 adj

IMG 9872 adj

IMG 9873 adj

IMG 9874 adj

251 items in total