IMG 6628

CO - Unaweep Cyn

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Folder: Colorado
Unaweep Canyon is the ancestral course of the Colorado River across the Uncompahgre uplift in western Colorado. The river was happily cutting its channel as the land rose around it, and then it was captured into its present course by a drainage working around the uplift from the west. The uplift continued after the capture, so that the canyon now has a convex profile with a pass in the middle. …  (read more)

IMG 6628

IMG 6630

IMG 6631

IMG 6632

IMG 6634 adj

IMG 6636 adj

IMG 6637

IMG 6638

IMG 6639

IMG 6640

IMG 6643 adj

IMG 6644 adj

IMG 6645 adj

IMG 6647

IMG 6648 adj

IMG 6649 adj

IMG 6650

IMG 6651

48 items in total