14-View toward the pass.

1960s - Kyle Canyon overlook

Folder: 1950s-1960s
Views of Kyle Canyon looking northward from the pass between Harris Mountain and Griffith Peak, in late spring or summer 1965. We hiked to this location from the end of the unnamed 4WD track that climbs up the flank of the ridge on the north side of the Harris Spring road. I don't know whether this track is still accessible by motor vehicle or not. When we were there the road just petered out--…  (read more)

01 Jan 1965

100 visits

14-View toward the pass.

Griffith Peak is above to the left; Harris Mountain to the right.

01 Jan 1965

98 visits

15-Toward the pass.

01 Jan 1965

1 favorite

98 visits

16-Kyle Canyon overlook.

Charleston Peak is the prominent bald summit on the skyline to the left.

01 Jan 1965

133 visits

17-Mummy Mountain view.

The prominent cliffy outcrop on the skyline in the center. Called "the turtle" by early settlers.

01 Jan 1965

107 visits

18-View to southeast.

Lovell Canyon is the prominent drainage coming up to this point. Some of the highest reddish sandstone peaks in Redrock are visible to the left of center. The Las Vegas Valley lies beyond.