IMG 7741

Mining - Ophir, Nevada, USA

Folder: Mining
Central Toiyabe Range, northern Nye County, Nevada, USA. The major precious metal mining occurred in the 19th century, with silver being discovered at the site of the Murphy Mine (the main producer) in the 1860s. The mineralization is along a vein in altered late Paleozoic phyllite.

Tungsten was mined near the mouth of Ophir canyon in the 1950s and early 1960s--i.e., until the US Government r…  (read more)

IMG 7741

Ophir, historical sign

26 May 2013 95
The sign reads: "Well up into the canyon out yonder, one can still see the massive stone foundations of a costly and splendid stamp mill, as well as the stone walls of an elegant office and mansion. Here was the scene of a once busy place, now a ghost town. "Ore was discovered there in 1865 by S. Boulerond and his compatriots. In 1864, the Murphy mine was discovered and became the leading producer; a mining district was organized. During 1865, a 20-stamp mill was completed costing over $200,000. Connected with it was the first experimental Stetefeldt furnace ever built. When the Murphy mill was built, a town was started and it grew to a population of 400, but work in the mines declined in the 1870's, and Ophir became almost deserted. In the 1880's, the mines were reactivated, and Ophir had another period of prosperity. By the 1890's the town was deserted, but some mining activity at the Murphy mine continued sporadically into the 20th century. "Over $2 million worth of gold and silver were mined from the Murphy vein and from surrounding properties. Iron, copper and arsenic were also found in the area. "Ophir managed to have all the accouterments of a large community--school, church, various lodges and, of course, several saloons. " The stamp mill at the mouth of the canyon was in fact much later: it was for milling tungsten ore in the mid-twentieth century, and it's since been torn down, in the last few years. The 19th century stamp mill for the precious metal ore was in Ophir itself, up the canyon. The town site is accessed by an exceedingly rough Jeep road up the canyon. There are lots of "Ophirs" throughout the American West--none lived up to its namesake, King Solomon's legendary mines!

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