IMG 7549

Mining - Gold Venture, Toiyabe Range, Nevada, USA

Folder: Mining
Aka Quito Project, high in the Toiyabe Range of central Nevada. This mine was active in the late 1980s, but there is currently talk of reopening it. Here's a link with more details and some history:
"Toiyabe" is pronounced toy-YAH-bee, btw.

25 May 2013

107 visits

IMG 7549

25 May 2013

105 visits

IMG 7550

25 May 2013

123 visits

IMG 7551

25 May 2013

97 visits

IMG 7554

25 May 2013

110 visits

Gold Venture mine

Showing the setting.

25 May 2013

112 visits

Gold Venture mine

Showing the setting.

25 May 2013

124 visits

IMG 7557

25 May 2013

98 visits

Gold Venture mine

Close up thru my telephoto.

25 May 2013

112 visits

IMG 7558

22 items in total