IMG 2554

Airmail Arrow (12-05-21)

Folder: Atlas Obscura
PROBABLY THE FIRST COMMERCIAL APPLICATION of aviation was carrying mail. Then as now, customers would pay a substantial premium for the swift delivery of an important message. But early aircraft navigation was primitive; with radio in its infancy and radar nonexistent, pilots had to rely on visual landmarks such as railroads and natural geographic features—and even then flight was practical only d…  (read more)

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05 Dec 2021

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20211205 133552 rot

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05 Dec 2021

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20211205 133632 001

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05 Dec 2021

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78 visits

Airmail Arrow

Relic of a 1920s aircraft navigation system. This one is to the west of Reno, Nevada. We're looking west here; the skyline is Boca Ridge in California. There's more information in the album write-up:

05 Dec 2021

80 visits

IMG 2552

05 Dec 2021

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64 visits

IMG 2554

05 Dec 2021

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80 visits

Airmail Arrow

Relic of a 1920s aircraft navigation system. This one is to the west of Reno, Nevada (which is visible in the distance). There's more information in the album write-up: