Columbine Creek trail

9-05-21 (Stewart-Columbine Loop)

95 visits  |  Translate into English

In the Arc Dome Wilderness at the south end of the Toiyabe Range in central Nevada. The Toiyabes extend north-south for some 100 miles (160 km) right in the middle of the state, with much of the crest around 10K feet (3050 m) or more. Arc Dome itself is the highest peak (11773 ft/3588 m) in the range. The Stewart Creek trail starts from the Columbine Campground, a small primitive USFS campgroun…  (read more)

Just beyond the trailhead...

05 Sep 2021 1 41
Looking south. The Stewart Creek trail continues straight ahead and crosses the forested ridge at the obvious low point. The Columbine trail comes in from the left in the obvious large drainage.

Fork in the path

05 Sep 2021 38
The Stewart Creek trail continues ahead; the Columbine trail is coming in from the left. The white-barked trees are aspen ( Populus tremuloides ).

Thru the aspen forest...

05 Sep 2021 1 39
On the Stewart Creek trail.

More aspen ahead

05 Sep 2021 41
Crossing a clearing. The gray-green shrubs are sagebrush ( Artemisia spp. , probably A. tridentata .

Into the aspen

05 Sep 2021 1 41
The dog is our Australian shepherd Frank, who's on lead and wearing an orange vest because it's archery season (for deer).

First top-out.

05 Sep 2021 1 40
At about 9400 ft. There's a _long_ way to go! The trail switchbacks to the right on the ridge ahead and then follows it along the skylined crest to the left.

Pass thru.

05 Sep 2021 1 42
A hiker--friendly opening in the barbed-wire fence. This area is still open to cattle grazing.

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The trail ahead

05 Sep 2021 1 44
The switchback where the trail climbs along the flank of the ridge is now visible.

Looking back

05 Sep 2021 46
The first top-out point is that low ridge at the end of this valley.

Looking east

05 Sep 2021 1 40
That far ridge on the skyline is where we're topping out!

Starting up the switchback

05 Sep 2021 53
Up to the ridge on the skyline, and then left (east) from there.

Looking back

05 Sep 2021 1 65
We're already a way above the valley where we first topped out.

Following the ridge...

05 Sep 2021 70
To the east! The skyline still looks pretty far away...

Upper reaches of Stewart Creek

View west

05 Sep 2021 55
Looking toward the Reese River Valley, with the Shoshone Range beyond.

View southwest

05 Sep 2021 2 2 44
Upper reaches of Reese River Valley trending horizontally across the photo.

Still following the ridge

56 items in total