IMG 2216

NNev - Wildhorse Res

On the Owyhee River, which flows north into Idaho to join the Snake. There is a state park here, as well as tribal land open to fee camping.

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IMG 2229

Wildhorse Reservoir

14 Jul 2018 2 260
Elko County, Nevada, in the extreme northern part of the state on the Owyhee River. Looking south; the reservoir continues downstream off to the right.

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Wildhorse Reservoir

14 Jul 2018 4 7 529
On the Owyhee River in extreme northern Nevada, at a higher water level than it's been in years. It was built by the Bureau of Reclamation for the Duck Valley Irrigation Project on the eponymous Paiute reservation. The Owyhee River flows north into Idaho to join the Snake River, and so (as I mentioned elsewhere) this little sliver of Nevada is actually in the Columbia River drainage. Surprisingly, and thru a convoluted set of circumstances, Owyhee is actually named after Hawaii! The left inset is a view just above the dam; the right is farther upstream, where the reservoir speads out more. This area typically has the coldest winter temperatures in Nevada, hitting -20 F or below routinely, and there's actually ice fishing on the reservoir then!

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Wildhorse Reservoir

14 Jul 2018 2 2 237
Just above the eponymous dam. Extreme northern Elko County, Nevada, on the Owyhee River.

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