Shoshone Falls

ID - Snake River

70 visits  |  Translate into English

Mostly the canyon around Twin Falls.

01 May 1982

106 visits


01 May 1982

105 visits


22 May 2019

62 visits

IMG 7020 adj

22 May 2019

43 visits

IMG 7023

22 May 2019

39 visits

IMG 7037 adj

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22 May 2019

68 visits

20190522 112240 001

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22 May 2019

1 favorite

196 visits

Perrine Bridge

Carrying US 93 across the Snake River Canyon at Twin Falls, Idaho. Twin Falls is the city on the far side. Looking south; downstream is to the right.

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22 May 2019

3 favorites

156 visits

Under the bridge

Perrine Bridge, carrying US 93 across the Snake River Gorge, looking back south toward the city of Twin Falls, Idaho. Downstream is to the right.

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22 May 2019

63 visits

20190522 112759 001

36 items in total