20190615 182132 001

CO - Blk Cyn upstream

Folder: Colorado
Black Canyon of the Gunnison, upstream from the national park, between Morrow Point and Blue Mesa dams.

15 Jun 2019

57 visits

IMG 7885

15 Jun 2019

59 visits

IMG 7892

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15 Jun 2019

54 visits

Black Canyon of the Gunnison

Looking downstream from Pioneer Point Overlook in the upper part of the Canyon. The river is bloated into Morrow Point Reservoir here, which is why they water extends between the canyon walls on either side. The rock in the foreground is some of the granite intruding the very hard metamorphic rocks into which the canyon is incised. This is a so-called "pegmatite", a very coarse-grained granite. The pinking crystals are potassium feldspar crystals several centimeters across. For more about the Black Canyon see the enclosing photo.

15 Jun 2019

65 visits

IMG 7910

15 Jun 2019

57 visits

IMG 7911

15 Jun 2019

61 visits

IMG 7915

15 Jun 2019

35 visits

20190615 182132 001

15 Jun 2019

27 visits

20190615 182237 001

15 Jun 2019

57 visits

IMG 7927

20 items in total