20200802 110948


Folder: unsorted2

20200802 110948

20200802 111319 001

20200802 120122 001

20200802 122545 001

20200802 123918

20200802 124027

20200802 132608

20200802 134157 001

20200802 135535 001

20200802 142239 001

20200802 144747 001

20200802 144930 001

20200802 145501 001

20200802 150145 001

20200802 152416 001

20200802 153205 001


02 Aug 2020 12 11 293
Sierra juniper just off the Pacific Crest Trail about 5 miles south of the Ebbetts Pass trailhead, on the way to Noble Lake. Sierra Nevada, California. These twisty trees are the only trees that can survive on the open slopes! Elevation here is about 8700 ft/2560 m. Dunno how old this tree is--maybe a thousand years? Just shows that stress makes you live longer! ;)

20200802 154555 001

46 items in total